
Anal is blowing through ALL of George’s money.

“Then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask his opinion on breakfast cereals...”


Seriously. If you need to gain and are rich why not eat a pound of chocolates a day and drink wine? Or triple cream cheese? Or milkshakes?

Same, I’m not going to judge it in and of itself, but get it done right, and most importantly know when to stop. Her face was better before.

Jason Segel! I disapprove! That is an unambitious way to gain 40 lbs. The first is beer. The second is takeout. The third is when you live next to 7-11 and love taquitos at 3 a.m. Let me teach you my ways.

“Then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask him how his kid’s doing...”

I just. . . I just have a hard time believing that Jay-Z actually cares that much about Taylor Swift, and by extension, whether or not Kanye West and she are friends.

As someone who has had plastic surgery, I find everything she said to be 100% true. Cosmetic surgery is an emotional journey. Teens should wait until their faces are fully formed and until they have a better sense of self and what they want. It’s foolish to deny having had cosmetic surgery, and making changes is not

Iggy’s plastic surgery looks terrible though. I have nothing against plastic surgery, at all, I have contemplated a nose job after an accident I had when I was 19 left it crooked. But when you start looking like a Real Housewife you might want to stop. Iggy was cute before. This new face looks too plastic.

You’ll have a helluva time convincing people that he’s even a romance writer! ‘Cause he’s a guy.

If the government tried to ban porn, we would all shrug, say “good luck with that”, and carry on as before.

Learning to value physical comfort over hiding “shameful” parts of my body was one of the most freeing things I ever did. I didn’t swim for years because I thought I was too fat to appear in a bathing suit, and figuring out that it didn’t fucking matter, that the world would not end if I didn’t shield it from my

I think a lot of older women are the ones telling us to cover up.

You know what matters more than flabby arms?

Arm flab in summer is my go-to accessory.

Everything dudes do is acceptable!

Who the fuck is gonna tell me what to do with my arms. Seriously. I challenge any motherfucker to say a goddamn word. These are the arms that dug my garden, that rocked my baby, that hold my husband, and I’m proud of them. I’ve got KP, farmer’s tan, and a ton of jiggle, but that doesn’t mean I have to suffer through

Fuck that shit. As an old, if it’s hot - shorts and short sleeves it is. As my mother used to say “Keep your eyes in your head and mind your own goddamned business.”

Where are the articles questioning all the dudes in tank tops with gross shoulder hair?