
And wearing frumpy work clothes means you’re a bitch trying to overcompensate for not being attractive and unworthy of promotion. And that providing good customer service will still be mistaken as a come-on by male customers no matter how you dress or whether you’re wearing a wedding ring. Yeah, women have made lots

Well, as I have recently learned, simply wearing non-frumpy work clothes is a sign that you are a slut and unworthy of promotion. Hard to believe I’m even surprised.

I’m pretty sure I’m your male counterpart in this. Everyone is “amazed” that I don’t have more luck with women... and then they tell me “Oh no, not me, I won’t date you. But somebody else should, you’re great!” Well, sure, I believe that. Not.

I used to watch it too. My mother would watch Hercules which was the hour before hand and if I could sneak on the TV I’d watch Xena. It was usually on after my bedtime but I had a TV in my room at 12-13 (that I earned babysitting and still actually have) and would turn it on to watch her. I didn’t care much for

I bet a million dollars they’re going to cast some limp wristed yoga waif who’s never lifted a thing except a kale cleanse frappuchino.

Lucy is going to own Ash Vs. Evil Dead. Putting her opposite Bruce Campbell is casting genius. I cannot wait.

I grew up watching Xena. As a little brown kid growing up in a time when women didn’t have as much freedom as now, Xena showed me that women can be strong and be fighters without needing a man. Xena and Captain Janeway seriously shaped my life.

Lawless does go on to say she would be interested in playing Xenu again...

“Lawless does go on to say she would be interested in playing Xenu again”

We could all just wear this

“You’re always in my line.” Yeah, if lining up at a store to pay for stuff and randomly getting the same cashier a few times in a row isn’t proof, man, I don’t know what is.

I have a coworker who talks to me about the girl that works at Walgreens, and he tells me that she’s into him because she’s always nice. I’m like, “Dude, she’s an employee treating a custumoer with good service.”

Exactly the kind of personal experience this article reminded me of! Senior year of high school, I broke up with my high school sweetheart and about three days later, one of my male friends came on to me. I told him I thought it was best that I stay single in order to heal after my break-up and he flipped out on me,

And then you’ll say “go away forever” and they’ll say “WHY DID YOU ANSWER AT ALL IF YOU WEREN’T INTERESTED YOU COULD HAVE JUST NOT REPLIED!!1!1!!”

i didn’t even read this. but i know guys automatically assume any sort of convo or attention is a sign of something more than merely convo and its like if i don’t explicitly state at some point I HAVE A BOYFRIEND I AM UNAVAILABLE, they feel like they’re being duped.

For every one awkward rejection, there’s at least ten missed opportunities. Dating is definitely impossible. It’s not because dudes are trying too hard or are overly eager, but because everyone is too shy, afraid, and self-doubting. Society wants women to feel too ashamed to engage in the dating process, so they leave

If it’s some sort of consolation, men are terrible at picking ANY cues. I’m a heterosexual guy. Once I got to pick my lesbian daughter from a LGBT nightclub. While I was waiting for her saying good bye to friends, a guy approached me and started to chit-chat. I thought not of it, and it was a pleasant talk. Then the

I’m glad I’m in a long term relationship because if not I think I’d just give up and become whatever the male version of a spinster is.

you know what i bet offends residents?

Horrific. Yet another example of how destructive extreme religion is. And also the irony of it all - these people (not just Orthodox Jews, but all extreme religious people) do everything for God and yet, they are the ones killing people. The idea of believing in a God that would support murdering people is so foreign