
Pic no.2 and 4's cathedral looks like a mashup of Cologne Cathedral in Germany and Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris. Maybe it's just the angle as some of the back arches (architects forgive me for my lack of jargon knowledge in your field) seem further inclined like the German structure. Meh, either way, I was burnt on

Diablo 3's AH going down should have played second to an offline mode. Yeah its my opinion, but as any avid player over the last week can attest, an offline mode is desperately needed. Thier insistence on an always on connection is now a true detriment to the game as the lag has rendered the game damn near unplayable

"Perpetually sold out" :) Am I the only one that liked that?

Oooo...Ooooo don't forget Alan Thicke putting Bieber over his knee :)

So, hows the actual gameplay? I've been in several of the betas, but was never able to actually get into a game. Some thing or other, each time unique, kept me from actual gameplay. I either got the bot select screen, title screen, black screen while I heard the action going on in there....somewhere as I was no doubt

Oh yes sir, I am indeed burnt on WoW, and I stopped a few months after Cataclysm. Guild Wars still sucks me in from time to time. I think it's WoW itself I'm burnt on, but not the WoW type of gameplay. I even hop back into SWTOR on occasion. I actually love a good WoW clone, as the game design behind that just seems

Finally got the patching/update process far enough in to play, and I have to admit, I like what they've changed so far. Performance wise, much of my lag and stuttering is gone, and things just flow nice and smooth like they should have all along. My biggest gripe with this game, like many others have attested, was the

I admit I'm one of the whiners thats been crying for a beta key, but only because this game truly piques my interest, and I want in, badly. Its like the only MMO to date I havent been able to secure a key for and get into. Either way, I'm in on day one. This game speaks to me on so many levels and I can't wait to

As someone whos internet speed is just 150 kbps (yeah I know...upgrade, switch..any obvious solutions have been approached long ago, problem is I live with my inlaws, and the "man of the house" is the quintessential technophobe baby boomer who doesnt give a fuck, and thinks hes saving money by shutting off the router

Had no clue about this, thank you for bringing it to my attention. As a fan of the original show (my now grown children loved it back in the 90's, watched with them quite frequently) and MetroidVanias, this made my day. I hope MeatHair is a powerdown/debuff in there somewhere.

His digital visage is even better now than what I thought was spot back on the PCEngine. Love Jackie, even when hes towing the party line.

Fun Fact: In the Buckaroo Banzai shot above, off to Peter Wellers right is Clancy Brown, the voice of Mr. Krabs on Spongebob Squarepants, also Lex Luthor in Superman the animated series, and about 100 other well known voices.

His Ozma Lee made me smile.

Yep, you can just walk in and go right up to the register, and they will ask you without a single word on your part if you want to preorder it. No one else will have a copy on release day after all, so get that bad motherfucker secured! 5.00 down? pffffttt.. pay the whole 59.99 up front to get that complete Gamestop

Yep, giant head and all.

Heh, seeking PT as SAM ;)

My old Sony 53" projection TV did this for FFXI.

Oh man...Milton Berles' Louie the Lilac...hahaha forgot all about him. And Cliff Robertson as Shame...wow...good pulls man.

Clock King?

Hard to just nail it down to 20. Roddy McDowall's Book Worm was laughable as all Hell.