Witcher 3 is one I seriously need to return to. Aside from Red Dead Redemption it’s my favorite game of all time. Aside from that, probably will do some time in Tera, Xenoverse2 and Horizon.
Rogue Galaxy 🤙🏻 Thank you!
Almost scrolled past till I saw “apparently driveable”.
Thank you.
Thank you, and to you as well my friend.
Thank you. I am glad to report back that 2 months later I am a completely different person than I was when I first commented on this post. Games helped to distract me and allow time to do its thing and heal.
Too many words. Not enough big, beautiful, creamy, lucious on my knees begging for buttermilk feeder tits.
Finally getting some time with Monster Hunter World on Xbox One (yay federal tax return...also looking to pick up a cheap sub 200.00 used ps4) while my 12 yr old enjoys the 200.00 of Power of the Primes Transformers I got him as a pleasant distraction (also got him Just Cause 3 as he loves to randomly wreak havoc)…
Well said.
And for this sir you have my thanks. Very few Witcher3 posts are unwelcome to this guy.
Destiny 2 and mass effect andromeda.
Very welcome news as the PS4 I’ve been pining for is no where near financially viable for me yet again this year, and this is one of the “exclusives” that I’ve missed out on.
My son and I have been wanting a PS4 for a while now, but the last year seeing 0 disposible income has made that just a dream, however, as atheist and jaded to life that I am, I would be hard pressed to not see finding a free PS4 as Divine intervention.
3rd party is still the way to go for gestalts though. Hasbro/Takara is getting better, but none are really as Wow! factor as the admittedly very expensive unofficial releases. The last iteration of Devastator is imho the finest Hasbro has done to date, but still doesn’t hold a candle to Hercules.
Russel Brand the activist, and anti corrupt government spokesman is aces, Russel Brand the entertainer is highly overrated, and Russel Brand the human being is a turd.
Been working 3rd shift GM stocking at Walmart until I can get another job in the telcom industry (network infrastructure technician is still sort of a niche position) and I pass the Nintendo cage multiple times a night, during the restock hours, and I have yet to see a Switch in the 2 months I’ve been there.
Which is also console bound soon. Hyped!
Finally.....I can have a clean start page with no Major Nelson.
So....now we have F2P games with cosmetic only microtransactions, and full priced games with actual game affecting microtransactions.