Took me a while to get into witcher 3 as well because of the house of wolves dlc for destiny but 2 playthroughs later (but still have to finish blood and wine expac), Witcher 3 no doubt is one of my favorite games of all time
I got Dark Souls Remastered in the quiz, but honestly, I’ve tried Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne, and I quit all of them after a few hours. I think that particular subgenre just isn’t for me.
Probably PS2
Everything wrong with vehicle shows.
That’s fantastic to hear! Time and reflection can do wonders, especially when video games can help grease those wheels and provide some much-needed escapism better than anything else.
Something about that particular combination of words reminded me of a Japanese movie I watched a good while back, A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn. It’s kind of...hard to explain. Partly because it’s a weird one and partly because I haven’t watched it in so long. I’ll warn you that it’s an adult movie so safe searching and…
Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.
You’ll have to make your own choice, re: romance, but a word of warning: if you try to have it both ways, you’ll get your just desserts.
I’m team Triss the whole way, but that’s only because in both the games and the novels, Yennefer reminds me far too much of an emotionally manipulative, abusive ex I had, and I cannot…
I’ll wait until we know what the charges are about before being disgusted.
Man the legs on this game are amazing. I will never get tired of seeing this stuff. For me personally it’s superseded Chrono Trigger as my favorite game of all time and that’s a heck of a gap between the two.
Wow, that’s awful. Glad games are helping you out.
I share your distaste for 2017 and also agree that gaming can be therapeutic. My dad died a couple months ago and I currently find myself laid up in the hospital. When my interest in reading and movies/TV waned, I turned to retro/current games to fill the void. Looking forward to returning to some older Assassin’s…
This stuff happens from time to time. True story.
I agree with your overall statement. Quantron (not-Computron) is freaking amazing.
$20. That’s a freaking steal.
Catching up on some Final Fantasy XIV and just picked up Destiny 2 from a friend for $20 ^_^
Kai Winn?