
Love this episode(s). The main human villain is the same guy who ran the candy store in the original Willy Wonka.

Hard Boiled...good pull. These movies have played a major part in my life for over 20 years, and I get very giddy when you guys mention them :)

Probably, unless we could genuinely look straight down on the edge of a platform to get a sense of depth and distance to the next ledge.

Agreed, thats what I did and was able to get past it. The big slab boss is even harder. Again, grindy grindy grindy.

Came here to say just that: Waste of a perfect PC gamepad. The Windows OS and the 360 pad are a PC gaming marriage made in heaven, and to anyone who still hasn't tried it yet....seriously?? what the fuck are you waiting for?

The Oculus Rift does nothing but impress me, even with its most mundane uses. Everything from the Fallout series to Skyrim, new life to a genre that for me, has stagnated, the first person shooter, and now new life in turning retro 2d side or top down games into 3d worlds. I think I would literally shit myself to play

The Pokemon cartoon submission is by far the cleverest of the finalists IMHO, although the winner got me off my PC and upstairs in bed next to the wife, who is of the same build and leve lof attractiveness as the young ladies featured. You can take your big tittied Nigri's (I would too) but I love a small firm chested

Still have to check this out, as its been recommended via multiple sources. As far as Bebop goes, what pulled me into it was its style. For its time it set a new standard for music accompaniment, and animating along with the beats of said music. Editing was amazing as well, often times in time with the music. Story

The Chipotle shredded Beef burrito (barbacoa on the menu?) with white rice, pinto beans, cheese and the hottest salsa they have is pure magic. I'm so overdue for one, and I honestly feel as if my life is missing something until I indulge in this amazing meal.

This is awesome. I applaud him and fully understand what an 8yr old gamer with creativity is like. My son, who is 8 as well, is absolutely addicted to Roblox. He writes scripts for the engine and creates many maps that get quite a few plays out of the community. I have to constantly peer over his shoulder though, as

Been playing the shit out of this on my PSP all month, and have yet to track down these movies, an oversight I shall have to rectify immediately. Thank you for the reminder ;)

I wonder if there is a legitimate, psychological condition named after the idea of depression over not being able to come up with an idea that takes very little effort, yet somehow manages to attract at least:

Been an avid Sentai freak since I was a kid, and have t oadmit, when I first saw The Power Rangers on TV all those years ago, when my oldest son, now 22, was 5, as a young elitist otaku I was pissed. But now decades later I can reflect back without the ignorance of youth to fog my vision, and see that bringing them

Persona 3 and God Eater Burst - PSP: Finally giving these games the time they deserved a few years ago.

Brilliant. Thank you.

Been in on the beta. As a rabid Transformers fan, the idea of such a game is the stuff of goo filled wet dreams, however, each time I was in, all I got was a black screen, with the sound effects of being killed over, and over, past the character select screen. I still have high hopes for this, and freely admit my bias

Been in on the beta. As a rabid Transformers fan, the idea of such a game is the stuff of goo filled wet dreams, however, each time I was in, all I got was a black screen, with the sound effects of being killed over, and over, past the character select screen. I still have high hopes for this, and freely admit my bias

Gorgeous. As much as I want to give my WiiU some love, I will probably go PC for the ultimate graphic experience. Who knows though, hopefully the WiiU version will surprise me and I can for once have that be an actual viable option. Either way, hyped for this game. It seems to cover everything I love in gaming. Anyone

The pre/post movieverse lines are the ones I like. Actually, I like all the lines aside from the movie ones. The Masterpiece line is nothing short of outstanding, and my only complaint there is the often Toys R Us exclusivity, which makes them near impossible to obtain outside of the scalper market. I ended up hitting

Sorry, forgot to list my reasoning as to why I don't collect any of the movie figures.