That left rear looks awfully clean, and small, as people are saying that it is a tire intended for a left rear that was put on the car after the incident.
That left rear looks awfully clean, and small, as people are saying that it is a tire intended for a left rear that was put on the car after the incident.
ESPN's segment of the season just started a couple of weeks ago. This is when they promote NASCAR the hardest. But then, reporting this would not promote the sport.
Agreed, but American IPA deserves to be a category unto itself above. Hugh Sisson of Heavy Seas Beers (whose Loose Cannon, although an excellent beer, is described by the critique of flagship offerings) has a good explanation of this phenomenon. I can't find the interview in which he said it, but he says that IPA…
"It' okay! It's okay!"
Where is Al Michaels when you need him?
Good thing Troy Smith and Chad Johnson connected for a TD on a slow day for Ohio sports fans.
Warrior manufactures English Premier League Liverpool FC's uniforms. I wonder if their PR has anything to say about this?
Activate: MALE GAZE.
It's unfair tuber ate people for running this joke into the ground.
Why do you hate FIFA, John Oliver?
Olivia Munn notwithstanding.
According to this story published on Deadspin just last week, Mayflower moved the Colts pro-bono.…
She's coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.
Okay, I have to admit this: not only have I been excited to see Ronald McDonald on many occasions, but also today when I pulled into a Mickey D's to satisfy a fry hankering after work I was excited to see an announcement that Ronald would be making an appearance at that store soon.
That's the ready-made joke, right? I certainly prefer it to Bum Fucked Egypt, as we called the the place.
I grew up in the same county where he was born and he still had family there. The story when I was in junior high was that one of the first things he did after he started really getting paid was to buy an IROC for his mom, who still worked in a factory.
same difference
I quit reading Haisley's piece when he referred to MLS as "second tier" as if that was an insult. If you had told me in 1996 that within 20 years the MLS could be judged by somebody who hates it to be on the second tier of international soccer leagues, I'd be thrilled. I'm not even sure it is on such a high tier…
Unfortunately for Muema, the NFL draft no longer has eight rounds.