Aren't women as anxious to lose their virginity in college? I knew a guy named Buster Cherry, and the virgins were all over that guy.
Aren't women as anxious to lose their virginity in college? I knew a guy named Buster Cherry, and the virgins were all over that guy.
It's bin laden with drama. Wait 'til the finals, when Brent Barry points at Tony Parker and shouts at Melo from the cheap seats: "That motherfucker probably fucked your wife, too."
Jackson's basic philosophy is "Jesus, David Lee goes down and the even-better Andrew Bogut gets healthy. Praise Zeus!"
This is the problem with the mother-fucking First Amendment. Old-school lefties like me go bananas when the ACLU goes to court in defense of a KKK rally. Freedom of speech is a bitch, but we gotta love her unconditionally.
"drawn by Tex Avery."
Uh, I'm pretty sure he's an octoroon. Get your genetic indiscrimination straight, Polack Swede Eskimo.
I've never told anybody this in my life, but now is the time and the place.
In the NYDN's defense, wordplay and genocide go together like, um, "springtime" and "Hitler."
Great post, but wanted to point out the typo in the "horny myths of religions."
Pretty sure that Broussard's figurative blow jobs (he calls 'em interviews) also violate some Holy Book hokum.
...Sportscenter kept fucking Tim Tebow's chicken....
Can't wait to read the Phil Jackson bio "Lord of the Rings." I hope it's a double trilogy.
Night in the city. Every story has a street, every street a story. Hollywood drives by and waves wanly. Tommy points to the photo of Frank in his dank, plush, tiny yet luxurious office: "Sinatra. He understood."
Is this the Greek Macedonia? The Yugo Macedonia? Or the Ohio Macedonia. Your geolography is challenging.
This thing will bite him in the ass forever. At least until he's lethally slammed to the turf like one of his dogs.
I don't own a car, President Eisenhower.
And then Hunter Thompson blew his brains out. Hey, you only find your limits when you exceed them.
Why, thank you! Even though mopeds don't count.
Well, ever since Fox dubbed the Obamas' fist bump a "terrorist fist bump," white boys have knuckled under to fear.
Why, yes, you would be crushed. Heh.