
Wow. Nothing more inspiring than a white guy doing well at boxing. Ray Stark? Infamous for having unprotected sex with countless people even after he knew he was carrying the HIV. Stacy Keach? Boxed like somebody who came up from the mean streets of the Drama Club. Huston? The pure peak of his sad decline.

Better, low-cost idea: Simply look in the mirror and say: "I do not give a shit about anybody who knows anything about me."

Yup. Considering Jason "I only beat women sometimes" Kidd was the guy who led the player revolt that got Byron Scott and his genius sidekick Eddie Jordan (yeah, genius, despite not getting that Rutgers official degree), it'll be interesting to see how long he lasts when the vets on the Nets realize that J-Kidd has

Nothing kills a hard one like flashing red-and-blue lights approaching.

You're kinda over-thinking this randomly chosen topic. The older you get, the more your tolerance increases, and the more booze it actually takes to get drunk. Which is why heroin zooms in to save the day.

This just in: He killed a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Your larvae will be so happy to hear the insights of a father who has left them a legacy of embarrassment to live down.

This ponce needs to travel outside his comfort zone. If Detroit is his source for urban blight, then the boy with the tiny testicles has not seen enough of the world.

Wrong! He's an asshole because he positions himself as a judgmental honky.

Mitch lives in CA, babe. He phones in his radio show, you should know.

This reminds me of the whole IHOP sensation from the 1980s, when the national media converged on Jefferson to talk all condescendingly about how a pancake house had become the hangout of the power elite.

I understand the difficulties you face as an immigrant, and hope you find a way to recognize languages other than your native tongue, Idiomatic Idiot.

"CTRL+F" revealed somebody who calls herself "TheBaron."

Least favorite parts of Jalop means that everybody else is playing for second.

Right on, sister! What the hell does the Motor City have anything to do with car culture? Hell, it's like Deadspin writing about food and parenting.

I cut Dick (get yer mind out of the gutter) slack about anything and everything he says because:

Reason No. 1 not to follow Jalopnik:

This post sponsored by (heh) Sony.

If this is how he treats a "friend," pity the poor enemies.

And this is a story why?