Can we please get a “Sponsored Content” warning for this video?! How many of those $0.40 Atari “PONGF” shares did they give you for this? 10? 20? Disgusting.
Can we please get a “Sponsored Content” warning for this video?! How many of those $0.40 Atari “PONGF” shares did they give you for this? 10? 20? Disgusting.
Using mine in my 95 Previa, but glad it comes with a CD player too.
I think I had that problem too in my 91 Celsior (LS400)
Your article evokes memories of an old man that would yell, “No bikes on the sidewalk!” in a hoarse, Yiddish-influenced accent at my friend and I when we were growing up. He lived beside or with an elderly woman whose front walk opened up onto the sidewalk through a thick hedge that limited visibility. I think he was…
If you want the mega-depressing version of this, I present you with old people that shouldn’t be driving anymore that run over motorcyclists at low speed in a parking lot and kill them:
I wasn’t worried about it until I realized two days ago that they’d mixed with dew and frozen to my windshield and my newly-acquired rustbucket 1995 Previa Alltrac doesn’t have a working window sprayer nor did I have a window scraper. Drove to work looking through gaps in the leaves till the windshield warmed up…
No, I believe it’s the time that it takes a three-legged dog to cross in front of the focus on an individual having a thousand yard stare.
Once they gave the robot umpires built in flamethrowers, TARPTRON’s job became redundant during rain delays, and he was sent to recycling planet 15.
Jason, a solution already exists to the backflipping problem that requires nary a face-melting rocket:
A little bit of priceless archival footage in that news segment.
Any cases where law enforcement has subpoenaed footage from a Tesla that is just sitting there in Sentry mode yet?
Sometimes this website, Deedspin, posts GIFs that just make me laugh like they have no right to do.
I’ve owned a Type C Celsior, so I realize how good those are. The thing is, I think they’re too nice for me. Need something pretty good from the era, but that I’m not afraid to get dust on.
Came very close to buying a Lexus ES250 recently. I know it’s FWD, but just NEED one. Need another early 90s two-tone bubble era car in my life.
I’m pretty sure that monster truck drivers that use a series of bumps on the front and back of the rig to do things as improbable as back flips would be good at explaining this too.
Came back to this recipe after last making two years ago. Just as good. I love making the barbecue sauce mustardy, which I wouldn’t have thought of if I hadn’t read this (used to Eastern Carolina and Western Carolina styles)
When my brother was about that age (5th grade elementary), my parents found out that he hadn’t been wearing his helmet on the 1 mile bike ride to school. They told him to start wearing it and he was hit by a truck on the very day, crossing the last intersection to the school. His helmet left a dent in the side of…
Also, be sure to periodically check that your approved gas cans are still leak-free. I had a few plastic gas containers stored in my crawl space (dumb idea) and that section of crawl space flooded during really heavy rains related to a nearby hurricane. One of the half-full containers floated on the water, tipped…