
I actually just got charges on my PayPal account from "Microsoft Corporation" With no other info on it. I had PayPal suspend and look into it. I have also been calling Microsoft about it too. I was told by the microsoft people that it is probably a XBox Live deal. So now I have to call them and see what they

Actually, I think almost all small 4 cylinders made to today, use a Hemispherical style combustion chamber.

1968 Dodge Dart Hemi - " You are the son I never wanted "

I dub thee ZilveRado!

I know its not science, but I just had to make it. Go MS Paint :)

I bet he was thinking this the whole time.

We are no where near the type of people that reside in Florida. Michigan and Wisconsin takes that cake.

Would have to go with some thing that was a Diesel, so I could run it on cooking oil. No manageable roads back then for most low cars. So It will have to be a 4x4 or larger. And to scare the shit outta people?

"failing to register a flight path"

Now playing

Pierre Marc-Bouchard took a bigger hit then that on Tuesday of this week. He was pouring blood out of his nose.

One question, will Optimus be a Cab-Over tractor like he is supposed to be or the bastardized version from Michael Bay?

I have always wanted to Rally one of these things.

my understanding was that Source broke the as_ and es_ modes, therefore, their popularity dropped. I for one loved the as_ maps. Loved getting the 200% armor and health, and I was pretty good with just a USP alone.

Don't forget the fiberglass front fenders and hood!

de_ = defuse (T's plant a bomb, CT's try and defuse it)

Love's me some Hemi Dart action. MMmmmm cubic inches.

Dammit, all this time and effort wasted when we could have had this with the guts of a GT-R.

Great, now that it is out of the way. When will Half-Life 4 be released?

Just watching that hood spinning through the air gives ya the shivers.