
Does it have the required large anime breasts?

Looks like a scruff nerf herder to me.

Now playing

I think this is better than that tiny little stream getting driven through.

Telling a group of fanatic Mopar fans that you can't do it because the ECU is encrypted is like telling a Circus bear that it cannot ride on that small tricycle. You know it is just going to happen.

Ah... ahahahaaaaaaaaah ah THUNDA!

Can I get an A31 Cefiro? With a turbo? With AWD?

I have know this for a while. Boobies make my penis larger with their powers.

Also Also Wick... And mani interesting furry animals.

That is why I have a valve stem tool on my key chain. Just remove the Schrader valve on the inside of the stem. No way to hold air in the tire then. You can be nice and do it to one tire, or be an asshat, much like their parking job, and remove all four.

Dammit, why did you have to bring up the Spirit Rover. :(

I cannot wait for the "Increase the size of your penis with Lasers!" spam emails. You know they are coming.

Oh, you are right. Candlejack must have felt sorry for me and grabbed me anyw

Yeah it was a little confusing to me at first, but then i got the pict

Gary Larson is going to kill you in your sleep for posting that on the internet.

Hmmm this could be a good project, but I have an idea of how to make it truly effective. Just line the bottom of the bag with a stick of C4.

But what if these FTL Neutrino's are drafting behind the particles that are the speed of light? Therefore giving them the FTL speed? Will the burst be long enough for drafting?

Figured the alien thing my show some this was more of a sarcastic post, but guess not.

Guess I caught my limit one the first cast today.

Man I love it when the internet doesn't convey mild sarcasm. Gonna have to throw you back though, you are over the slot limit on fishing.

All I can say about this is that we need a major plague or natural disaster to get rid of some humans.