The one down side to being such an avid milk drinker is the occasional formation of calcium deposits. But they go away after a while. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure my bone density is about the same as Wolverine's.
The one down side to being such an avid milk drinker is the occasional formation of calcium deposits. But they go away after a while. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure my bone density is about the same as Wolverine's.
That does not sound like a good idea.
IMO if you played them in order, DKC was legit and and an amazing look into the new world of DK also the graphics DKC brought for back in that day was grand. DKC:2 just took all those neat new things and blew them the f*ck into the stratosphere! I mean still to this day I regard DKC:2s soundtrack as the best in any…
Donkey Kong Country 3 has the best over world stuff with the Brothers Bear, Banana Birds, and vehicles. ....but overall. ....
Her outfit reflects a more general trend where female characters dress with less clothes in more sexualized appearances, yes.
Four very fashionable guys in a car all day and still looking and smelling like they're ready to go clubbing is quite realistic sure.
This is a JRPG. The outfits will never make sense. xD
And then you get that level of disappointment that comes with all the next Zelda iterations: no blade beam. No Master Sword medallions. No Pegasus Boots.
You mean the Universe where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are incestuous? Can't blame Pym for anything that happens in that shitty universe. (If I recall Blob ate Wasp in those comics too)
I think it's because he was the first though. It was a big deal. When you're first at doing something, that's what you're remembered for.
To be fair, for the last decade or so, that's what the COMICS have focused on - his total breakdown and implosion. And in all honesty, it's what makes him so interesting.
Spidey gets a free pass, because he's Spider-man. He's popular. That's also why they don't make a movie with Peter Parker as an old man supporting Ben Reilly. Only the unpopular ones get fucked up, haven't you heard? It's why they gave ultron to Iron Man. Can't have a more interesting character than Tony be the one to…
It's mostly just a shame that Wasp is being left out - she's a brilliant character and an original Avenger, ans she was equally instrumental in the development of the serum. Marvel get's a lot of flack (fairly or unfairly - a bt of both really) for they way they handle female characters, snd having Wasp as an equal…
That misconception is one of the easiest ways to identify a parrot.
Are we talking about what I think we're talking about? Lest we forget that one time Peter Parker struck MJ in a fit of rage. I believe SPWAT was the onomatopoeia they used. I don't know what spwat means but it sounds like it hurts. Why do we gang up on Hank, when old P.P. gets a free pass?
are we really referring to Michael Douglas simply as "the old guy" now? really?
He smacked her ONCE while he was having a complete mental breakdown due to Ultron having brainwashed him and screwed with his mind.
I'm still blown away that OG actors like Michael Douglas and Robert Redford are doing comic book movies!
Sigh, just like Spider-man.