Playing the game has nothing to do with it and attacking people over it is not winning anything at all. I guarantee mose of the people doing this have added nothing to the fight for trans rights. I vote for it, pay into it, and am myself gender fluid and was unsure of being trans and I even try to help the community…
I know even the writers here are children but surely we can get an invite for Claudia Grant/Lasalle from Robotech/Macross. The only “bridge bunny” on the SDF Macross who wasn’t screaming in fear all the damn time.
You’re a danger to yourself and everyone on the streets!!! But dammit son, I respect the hell out of ya!
Please tell me you’ve read the emotional rollercoaster that is Peter David’s second X-Factor run?
Wow this is an uninformed article. Treating Smogon as the de facto rules adjudicators of Pokémon just exacerbates the impression that they know what they’re doing and should get to be in charge of what is “banned”. Not that GameFreak has a perfect record of balancing the game. Far from it. But at least they know what…
according to urban dictionary it “normally refers to a change admired or cherished in the LGBTQ+ community or boss-bitch culture” while wiktionary says it’s “the process of making something LGBTQ+-adjacent.” basically although it doesn’t necessarily mean this thing is gay it does apply that affectation to make this…
Their failure is because they didn’t run old COPS, Cheaters and Star Trek episodes
“Its really not tho. Not to the degree its seen in other places. There is no other place where office lady is a thing like how it is in Japan nor is it normal to have the women srrve you drinks on your mandatory post work get-together”
People who play visual novels and complain that they are, in fact, visual novels are so incredibly frustrating. Please go do that to literally any other genre and leave visual novels alone. It’s ok to just acknowledge that a genre isn’t for you and move along.
Well, Ash is married to Serena and Misty didn't want to be a side bitch like Dawn.
Yes. She also made other poor life decisions if the cigarette and toeless sneakers are any indication.
“Gary was here! Ash is a loser!”
I had a rather deep-but-also-shallow conversation with a friend not so long ago, and we ended up agreeing on/with the idea that AI that are not specifically meant to titillate should probably not be human. Clippy was ahead of his time. It sounds like a joke, but we will only avoid popularly sexualizing AI when their…
Also worth noting is that it can be shiny. This isn’t the first time it’s been possible to get a legit one, but the only way to get it before was a random chance from buying a movie ticket for the Hoopa movie in Japan so it’s the first time most people can get it shiny.
They’re playing a little fast & loose with the word “hero”, if they’re including the force of nature/cautionary tale about man’s hubris Godzilla, and Evangelion Unit 01, which is best classified as “it’s complicated”.