
Ant-Man was created before that movie...


Some of this reminds of Makoto Shinkai's work.

Shoes, pants, socks, a fried alternator on my truck, two Steam games from myself, oh and casual sex.

I'm a fan of a lot of the books on this list. There's a few — specifically the two Brian K. Vaughan titles — that I won't read, but I'll have to check out the others.

Except you forgot about [insert whatever the hell they want here because they wrote the universe and can come up with some arbitrary reason it makes sense fairly easily].

If you take that into account, it actually makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I didn't really it think this particular theory was cool/interesting as it doesn't change the game experience at all. Nothing about the individual games change at all if Pokemon X takes place in a different dimension than Pokemon Red.

So everyone... favorite Chrono series song? Mine is Frog's theme.

they should have grown up like this kid.

Megaman.exe is your favorite? Meh... Do me a favor. Look at Megaman's boots. Look at Megaman X's boots. Hell look at Protoman, Bass and Zero's boots. Then look at Exe's boots. He loses his robot street cred with those boots. Those boots are a travesty.

That's my bad, then! I read Children's Crusade so long ago that it bled together with House of M! Sorry~

1) Deadpool was never government sanctioned after leaving the military. He was discharged from the military and then WILLINGLY joined up with Weapon X to find a cure for his cancer—he is entirely Black Ops and never even finished working FOR the military after gaining his healing factor—which is why his title is "Merc

Yeah, like — most of what Mags does is ostensibly to free his people from FUCKING GOVERNMENTS THAT HAVE CREATED LITERAL DEATH MACHINES WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS TO KILL HIS KIND.

Other characters in Marvel Heroes that have also been mass murderers:

Jean Grey
Black Widow
Silver Surfer (accomplice!)

Oh, and then, the capstone at MILLIONS: Scarlet Fucking Witch.

I could make a case for a few of the others, but it would be a stretch for what we are considering "murder."

Yup, this is what you guys were overlooking. It's 2 purchases, and you get $5 off each. Great deal.

If you do ANOTHER gift card of $25, you enter the FDFAMILY code, and get $5 off of that. Hence the $40 for $30. Have to do 2 separate transactions: one with your personal Gyft code, and one with FDFAMILY. Hope that helps!

Agreed. But it was still kind of sweet.

That manga was amazing.

Taking lessons from the master.

This kid is a modern American hero.