Dewya Bellimi

Where does garbage like you come from

Woah, that's a huge difference. Yeah, I've never bought a home, but when I do, I'm not sure I'll go with what the bank tells me I can afford. I think you're spot on when you say "I figured in my mind with the amount we pay in rent what sort of range we'd be okay with - something we wouldn't have to go broke over and

Don't be silly. There's no way you can sell enough of your own organs to afford a place in Manhattan. ;-)

What banks say people qualify for can be crazy.

These numbers are insane. Never buy a house that the monthly mortgage payment is more than 25% of your monthly TAKE HOME income. Most people buy way more house than they can afford. That is how you end up in foreclosure when the economy tanks next time.

This is misleading because it is NOT the minimum salary to buy a home. It is the minimum salary to buy a MEDIAN VALUE home. There are homes that are much lower than the median that are affordable for people with lower salaries.

This is really interesting, thanks. I went to a couple of banks last week to get a range for what loan I would pre-qualify for. I already own a place (with positive equity, generating rental income) which factors in, but I have a high salary, my husband has a decent salary, I have a good chunk for a down payment, and

My cat Pixel used to wait until we were done shuffling the mah jongg tiles and then he'd jump into the middle and help us deal by knocking them off the walls towards you.

I'd say that sounds like men I've dated and had to ditch ...

This is proof that cats are actually the smartest animals on the planet and could rule humans if they so choose. Instead, they allow us to feed them, provide shelter and do whatever they want in exchange for nothing.

Cats don't hate in secret. They let you know.


Reminds me of their distant cousins...

Just nature finding ways of living in harmony with us : )

I heard about some Ravens on a northern work site here in Canada that would sit in front of the motion detecting work lamps to keep warm. Whenever the light went out, they flew up and moved around in front of the sensor to turn them back on.

Mindnode for iOS is a good mind mapping app. It's what I use.

I'm always amazed at people who will stand in line for 30 minutes waiting to board a train or airplane with reserved seating. Since I know my seat will be there, I like to find a quiet spot within sight of the gate and relax, read a book or do anything other than wait in line.