Dewya Bellimi

So, basically, it's Apple's fault. *Deletes iCloud account.*

OMG. These little lettuce thingys are adorable!! I'm sure they would taste great smothered in dressing.

How you feel with depression is valid. You don't have to justify your feelings or defend them. As long as your actions don't harm yourself or others, you can feel whatever you need to feel. Everyone feels things that aren't perfectly reflective of their situation. Suffering from depression doesn't mean you're in a

Evidence? What evidence?

Maybe a voice command like, "Am I under arrest?"

Seems like there should be a better way to wipe it if it gets out of your hands. Like with a special voice command.

Why do I have the feeling that she gives them away and gets a new one as soon as they outgrow their cuteness?

Was it, for example, an hourly rate or a project-level rate that brought you to the right number? Did you set a minimum for upfront payment, require biweekly or monthly payments, etc.?

I found that requiring at least 2 work-weeks of payment up front was a good way to make sure I would be paid at the outset and limited the risk on the client side as well.

I have found a magic number regarding the price of projects for my own clients that sets apart those who complain about everything from those I actually enjoy working with.

You took business law in the 8th grade? In curious about why anyone would think 8th graders need to know business law.

A lot of those buildings were industrial warehouses and factories, not exactly family homes.

Molester glasses for real! And bad teeth. Don't forget Jimmy Savile, too.

Ugh. Is it any coincidence they all kind of look alike? Is it genetic? Or just pervy and stupid?

Why did it take so looonngggg?

Dammit. I want my click back.

Why is this guy not in jail? Please, Eric Schneiderman, investigate the whole, disgusting lot of pervy fashion photographers NYC and throw the criminals in jail.

This article's title is misleading. It should refer to one's first job out of college, not just any new job as the title implies.

Buy your own gym equipment. You'll be happier and probably work out more often!

No. Because the use value to me of, say, a 3 BR/2 BA house may be significantly different than the resale value, especially over the long term. Consider the value of not having a house or rent payment after age 65.