Dewya Bellimi

So true. Nothing is more off-putting when you're a potential buyer than seeing obvious DIY stuff that looks like it was either done on the cheap or done to hide something. It'll have the opposite effect of adding value.

I'm confused as to why there's even a rule against long hair. Is it a fear of dirty hippies, of "feminine" traits on a boy, or blah blah something something safety?

Load of shit any way you slice it.

Corey says, "Fucking amateurs."


You are too brave, Hillary. Too brave.

Damn, how bloody embarrassing.

Ugh alright ready, I understand that some stories come from Reddit and they're interesting— but I mean that doesn't mean you can't find other stories elsewhere. For the record - Mark seems to do this WAY more than anyone else and it just seems lazy.

To quote from video

Ok, but NO!

It doesn't matter who you are, this is a dick move. Way to harass some newsman just out doing his job.

Us foreigners love abusing children! It's like a wacky hobby that we all share!

I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it. "Are you sure it's not your fault that your father doesn't love you?" GAH.

Another thing about medication: If it works, you will know, you won't have to guess. You won't feel euphoric (these meds are not "Happy Pills" the media myths notwithstanding), but you will feel unburdened, lighter, more energetic. Unfortunately, people often have to spend a lot of time finding the right