Dewya Bellimi

The option was Business law or "Shorthand note-taking". Talk about a class that is completely useless now. I am happy I went with Business law if only for the fact that we got to say "Tort" every day.

Unfortunately Dewya it was a lot of trial and error. I did some small projects and some big ones and found that there just seemed to evolve this number where the clients were less of a problem. It was a very organic process for me. I haven't found any formula that works perfectly every time.

Also, if a client screws around with paying you, cut them off, do not work with them again.

Wow. I may ruffle some feathers, but what an improvement! Looks great.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

They'll just paste his head on someone else's body. Problem solved.

Buy it and undercut him by $1. WoW auction house has taught me this rule.

The ONE "cleaning" product I wouldn't MIND "accidentally" spraying in my mouth. In fact, that might be the issue...

I loved his reaction to that death stare. "oh don't look at me like that, oooo don't fly please don't fly!"

This was EXACTLY MY SAME THOUGHT. Even down to the popcorn and watching of tv together.

My problem would be not wanting it out of the house. I know they're wild, but...HOUSE OWL. We would sit and watch Parks and Rec together and I'd feed her popcorn and oh, how we'd laugh...

And I thought I was awesome when I did this with spiders or lizards.

Yes I think they only care about the money and positive PR they can get by masquerading as a concerned organization.

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

I call those "molester glasses". I stay away from anyone (men and women) who wear those oversized glasses.

I didn't believe you until I found this picture of Woody just now.

God!!! This guy looks like a creep. He looks like one of those guys driving one of those "white vans" looking up to no good. About damn time they kick his ass out. He's been doing this shit for years. I remember reading a piece about him in Jane magazine back in 2004 or 2005. I remember reading where he started

i feel bad for that guy. unlike terry richardson, his accusers genuinely were full of shit

I fall under this category. Well, I know what I have to do now.