Dewya Bellimi

I was just coming down here to say the exact same thing.

I think the idea is that each straw has a single use worth of gunk.

Why do we keep having these articles claiming it was "for his kids"? No, it was for him, the kid was a convenient excuse.

There are several expressions for what causes a victim not to leave or resist. Some of the most used terms are "the freeze instinct" (which is more common than the fight instinct), peritraumatic dissociation, and depersonalization, which give the victim something that could be compared to an out-of-body experience.

I know I felt that way after reading it too. Poor doll. She is not responsible for what happened here and should not feel like she should be sorry for her bad decision.

This is so incredibly revolting and infuriating. Shame on anyone who works with this horrible, horrible man. He should be in jail.

Let me preface this by saying I am fully aware that this was bad decision making on my part

who is this assistant who just stands there and takes pics?? does she have stockholm syndrome or something??

Why hasn't this... thing- the human equivalent of fresh bird shit on a clean windshield- been blacklisted by any of the well known celebrities he's very recently worked with? It breaks my heart to think Lea Michele, a woman I otherwise consider to be a good role model for young women, has let this ass clown take her

I basically stopped reading Vogue and Harper's because they are so in love with this crapbag (and also that pissant Derek Blasberg, rant for another day). And this is a big deal, because I've been a fashion-rag whore for like three decades now. But I have to put my money where my mouth is, and I honestly do not

Not just a vile shit pile, but his photography is so damn trite. I really don't understand the appeal.

The boyfriend owns her but she can't own herself, she isn't important.

He's more concerned about upsetting another guy than making a woman uncomfortable.

Holy crap, is this real? I...had no idea. You'd think someone on Obama's team would be all, "hey, let's not take any chances that the rumors are true," but no.

Why is anyone still working with him?

I would have ruined it. "I WILL BE THE BEST TREE FOR YOU AMY! I LOVE YOU!"

I will provide the context, as it will let me re-live it... I was at a free Sunday night UCB show, at the old, super-small theater, when the "originals" would sometimes show up. The free shows were always packed, and they usually had to turn people away. But this one time, they let in too many of us, and we had to sit

I want context, but it's not necessary. Because I would die of happiness right then and become a tree.

Wow, the more you know. I've always thought the beating heart looks like this