
Just because a problem is a "first world problem" does not mean it isn't deserving of a solution.

I absolutely understand that there are far bigger problems in the world, especially in certain parts of the world. This problem is silly, but I feel like it's also incredibly common. Even the silliest of problems can deserve solutions. Still, I think it's important we all keep what you pointed out in mind! Glad

whether you believe in corporal punishment or not (which you shouldn't) who the fuck beats a 4 year old? What could he have possibly done to warrent getting whipped by a professional football player? Also Mike Ditka needs to die

It does work on a treadmill! It just won't map your route, obviously.

+1 but don't forget that android has their own fans too. And they can get pretty uppity sometimes.

When I think of the higher price, I don't think as much as the Apple tax as the Apple "bundling." With any Apple product, I can go into any Apple retail store in the country and get it fixed or swapped out. I just did that with my iPhone cable. No questions asked, no receipt, just a quick swap.

You must only spend time in certain corners of the internet. Android fanboys are often just as bad. (Though they aren't quite as absurd at Google's events as Apple's fanboys are)

Burn your sources. They used you to smear the victim of a violent assault. SET THEM ON FIRE.

Most victims of domestic abuse stay with there abuser. So everyone needs to back off the "she's doing it for the money.".

Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific

Consider forming really strong opinions about independent video games.

that and him saying "beep beep beep beep"

Am I the only one here who already knew that "Baba Yet" was a Swahili translation of the Lord's Prayer?...

You forgot Toy Story in Space. There's six playsets.

There was also a toy story playset that came out for 1.0.

And the guy in the van who picked his way through the crash-site, completely dismissing the burning vehicle in the middle of the road, is what an asshole looks like...

Dont forget the white van driver that just drove through the wreckage

Yup. Hes was. You know who wasnt a hero in that video? The first van in front of the truck that just drove through the debris and left the scene. Asshole. Oh and that cop, who leisurely gets out of his car, farts around, then lets the fire truck go by, and never even goes over to where the rescuers and the

Who was the douche in the van who said to himself "Welp, nothing more to see here" and drove through the wreckage?