
me grimlock no bozo me grimlock King!

heh just like the CIA, run by corporate execs, FOR corporate execs. "security" means profit. wonder if they are a branch out of the CRTC.... and if any board members or share holders from Bell and Rogers are "consultants"

"How many bites at the apple will Hollywood take on William Randolph Hearst? Was his story really that interesting? Sure he built a wildly successful media empire, but in terms of entertainment, he's no Joseph Pulitzer. Instead of watching someone take an alcohol-fueled jaunt to Paris on a private yacht, we get to

I know you're sort of kidding, but you shouldn't actually be ok with that.


You'd think that long-dead figures from popular history would be fair game, but it turns out there are limits that vary from state-to-state. Maximum Games, who are releasing (or trying to release) LoW: Patton, are based in California, where the law says such figures are fair game if they've been dead for 70 years.

Where's the metric that involves dropped passes? That one could be very telling, but no one bothered with that.

You know, I was thinking about that yesterday:

Obligatory: xkcd #695

26 miles in 11 years, that's about my marathon pace...

Menzer said the man, who is from Florida, will be required to pay for the damage and is banned from the arena

I can't believe that no one has posted Kosho yet (although I guess it could be distinguished from a "game" by characterizing it as a sport/martial art):


That weird game on The Prisoner with boxing & trampolines.

Hey, now I know what an Idiot's Array is. Completely worthless fan trivia, and yet I feel accomplished for knowing it.


This question immediately made me think of Sabacc, the fictional card game by which Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon. I wondered if there were any actual rules for it, and of course there are because this is the Star Wars EU we're talking about here.

No one is getting attacked by giant spiders, so nope, can't be Australia.

Best part of the entire comments section :D

Just fyi, if you happen to be Canadian, or your computer happens to think it's Canadian, or Netflix happens to think your computer is Canadian, Batman: TAS is available on Netflix.