
Does the Warhammer Quest game count? Aside from the occasional typo/grammar issue, the game was fun and had some of the spirit of the universe. It's no "The Enemy Within", but I felt it was worth my time.

Does this app work ok if one is using stationary equipment, like a treadmill or exercycle?

I'd have to check my CD, but I think the Goldeneye score was composed by the same guy who did the Fifth Element. You win some, you lose some.

Big Huge Games did a neat non-chat communication thing in Catan on the xbox360 as well - they called them "Ticklers".

Miranda Otto's song was only in the Extended version of The Two Towers; it didn't actually make the original theatrical cut, unlike Billy Boyd's song in Return of the King.

There were mini-dudes for Blaster, one of my friends had some kind of little yellow lion guy.


A screensaver that does the same thing every time it kicks in - starts at 5:59, then flips to 6:00 and starts playing "I got you babe"...

'spose, but some of the time constrained 'missions' were dang near impossible.

I'm holding out for the return of the Burger King games, only maybe this time for Xbox360/XboxOne instead of XBOX/Xbox360. Three horrible games, but definitely kitschy in a weird collectible kind of way.

I also liked Greg Keyes' The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone series. Had a fun protagonist and some nice thought put into the world structure. Plus the main character is a game warden/forester guy. That's kinda different than a mercenary or a mage or noble knight or thief with a hear of gold or assassin or whatever.

I was scanning all the replies just to mention this (4 book) series. I like a lot of Stackpole's stuff, it's good, has some neat twists here and there (seems to put a lot of though in each universe he creates on how the magic 'works', like what the real cost is and what the societal rules/views on magic use might be).

Where, oh where, is the Play By Email option?!?! I've been playing CivIV by email/dropbox for many years, I really would like to get cracking with CivV...

Yeah, it sounds from other commenters that I'd probably just need to buy slightly longer bolts, so it's something to look into, if I can get this shipped beyond the wall.

There's one fan.

Shame that it won't work for an already wall mounted TV; the sad wire-and-ziptie shelf I'm using now for an AppleTV doesn't compare to something nice looking like this. Most shelves for wall mounted tvs seem designed for gigantic old VCRs.

Most places (e.g. Sears, Canadian Tire) have a far better warranty on regular screwdrivers as well, where you can often just bring them in if the tip wears and get a new one for free. The removable tip ones are handy for quick and light work, but lack variety in size. The 'bits' tend to wear down easier, becoming a