
Kept scrolling to see if I'd have to post this - glad you took up the baton first.

Does the Warhammer Quest game count? Aside from the occasional typo/grammar issue, the game was fun and had some of the spirit of the universe. It's no "The Enemy Within", but I felt it was worth my time.

"Everyone, walk into the mist. Look badass... No, no, *MORE* badass - Andrew, you should be yelling, Rick is always yelling... Norman, you're fine like always... Yes, Yes Cudlitz, just PRETEND there's someone there to shoot at..."

I wonder if Brian Tyler is going to work that into his soundtrack or if it will be just a trailer thing. It's a fun song to play around with, it went well with the Ultron speech in the first trailer and it's distinctive.

They're no Ghyslain Raza. Where's the wild cheerful enthusiasm? Why so serious?

Purchased an HD-DVD player add-on for my xbox 360 from Best Buy via a Boxing Day sale (Dec 26) in December 2007.

No kidding - a little THRUSH should have mentioned it by now.

There was blood on his natty dress shirt for sure - I don't think icers leave blood.

Ever considering getting your own blog? Or using the one Kinja gave you?

I didn't know there was a Jian Ghomeshi lego figure.

Here's a good read that may give you ideas on bolstering that theory...

So Alfred was the Meechum to Thomas & Martha's version of the Underwoods?

Jurassic World 2: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs


Is that an Death's Head action figure? I had no idea that was a thing - I want!

Skye Daddy is the name of my Boney M cover band.

The folks from the seventh "Fast and the Furious" have been positioning it more as a tribute, hiring Paul Walker's brother as a body double, etc. It'll be interesting to see whether the publicity turns on them as you suggest it could.

My guess is that since the one walkway entrance was not padlocked, some bad folks snuck in as a group and took them all out at once. Took out whatever guard they had (if any) and then snuck in to take out the folks who were asleep. Explains the lack of any weapons around them - that and food be the first things you

Microchip to Micro isn't a big switch.