Detective Plunkett

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

I don’t have a gambling problem, I do have a problem with f2p mechanics in a game which costs money. I’m not an idiot, these things make money so companies will put them in, I get that. I personally won’t buy games that do, and regard the people that buy them and ruin gaming by doing so, as dicks. Not sure what’s hard

“Look guys, we changed it so it’s less bad. We’re the good guys now!” No you’re fucking not. It’s still a grindfest so you can sell lootboxes. Everyone who pre-orders this/buys this in the first month is a dick for enabling them.

Not that it matters but I’m black and feel like this is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of. More power to you tho

You know why. Stop pretending like you don’t.

Not that it matters but I’m black

MoneyLoo” has not published any posts yet and is part of an organized grouping of people without any other posts signing up specifically to denigrate this post... smells like part of a white identity group without anything positive to do so they have to trash white people supporting black people...

...why we need to judge businesses based on skin color?

Because black business owners face systemic discrimination.

They’re slot machines in everything but name, meticulously crafted to encourage player spending and keep them on the hook.

cuphead is on steam though, so at least you have that option for this game ;)

It’s not just Mario who is a bad guy. Look at Peach.

I wish there could be some realistic middle ground that accepts they fuck up regularly yet still lauds and enjoys their products. No it has to be polarizing and contentious.

Oh, I get it... Mario is Nintendo, and Yoshi is their fans!

“We’re not hitting you over the head with artificial scarcity, we’re just directing you towards hot-ticket items! (Okay, really it was the former.)
But we definitely won’t drop you in a chasm in a heartbeat to get a leg up!”

It’s great to hear that you’re a game designer who knows the ins and outs of good game design! Once your game is released, you’ll have to tell us the name so we can find out if it’s a fraction as good as Divinity: Original Sin 2!

The developers most likely did not intend for this combo to happen. So to say it’s “bad game design” is a bit much. In a massive game like this with millions of combinations of options they can only catch so many game-breaking bugs or tactics before the game is released.

Infinite combos are bad game design, no two ways around it.

How is it entitlement to not want to be advertised to in a game you purchased? when phone games have ads they’re either free or you have to buy it to opt out of ads.