Detective Plunkett

“ anonymous developer, posting on 4chan, who says he or she worked on BioShock 2.”

The linked page doesn’t seem to mention payment, is this a paid position?

Show me these numbers you apparently have.

I just wrote a long response to someone else who responded to my original comment, it should answer your question. :)

I absolutely do not believe that, I’ve been in game development too accept baseless reductive claims of tech not being ready and able.

This seems like an excellent opportunity for Niantic to create a virtual fluctuating ecosystem for Pokémon propagation which reflects the quality of the real-world environment. Park trashed? Well those Pokémon you used to go there for aren’t gonna be showing up anymore. Want them to come back? Help improve the

Has anyone mentioned that EB Games (which Gamestop bought, and destroyed) used to do this, years and years ago? From what employees that I knew told me at the time, they stopped because people stole games/they weren’t making as much as they could just selling the games.

You don’t have to be paid to be a shill, but you do have to be a shitty person, which your racism seems to indicate.

I couldn’t make it through this book. The horrible blatant misogyny and transphobia was just too unbearable. I don’t think works which champion bigotry, as Ready Player One does, should be perpetuated by being adapted into other mediums.

If Splinter didn’t support this stance, then they shouldn’t have published it. The willingness of association makes you complicit.

This. A-thousand-times this.

This. Is. Gold.

I’m not sure what the big deal is here, shouldn’t they be happy? It’s pretty rare to get the pre-order bonuses with used games!

It’s frightening how hard set the official’s sense of self righteousness is, by their creation of an “us vs them” in their repeated description of the callers as a singular group - - that group is simply Americans, not some coordinated army.

Good write up, Ethan!

I’m definitely a proponent of cats with jetpacks! I’ve actually been working on a screenplay for awhile now called Cat with a Jetpack, here’s a sketch I had commissioned for it last year! :D

I...wat... Jon’s parents immigrated, didn’t they..?

This game started as a project for the 2016 Experimental Gameplay Workshop, which was presented at this year’s GDC! Really great concept that I’m super eager to get my hands on!

Trump’s plan for dealing with everything with massive walls seems to have gotten real far out-of-hand.

“Just joking” is a cop out; it’s never “just joking.”

Jason Steed made a great series of tweets (23) about how saying someone is “just joking” is simply reductive behavior.