Detective Plunkett

Leaving this in could easily be seen as an act of endorsement. Taking it out is the right call. They don’t need anymore of a platform then they have already been able to obtain.

And for those that keep saying “it’s dumb”, or “so are we going to do this for every symbol they co-opt?!”—well thought out response!

The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.

yes, and welcome to the internet.

Glad they’re on top of this. If anybody thinks this is censorship, please let us all know exactly what expression is being suppressed here. The original design seems pretty meaningless, unless it was intended to resemble the flag (which Bungie denies).

Seems like you haven’t been there lately.

Good on Bungie. Don’t give that kind of people any inch of representation on this industry.

Sure - sometimes we have to work harder on those things than other times.

Except given how he’s apologised for three racist incidents in a year I don’t think he’s just an idiot.

No no, he also offers up the following, which is also true:

You can work to change that...if you want to. Plenty of people have had to purge the word “retarded” from their language.

It was something that I said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of, and it just sort of slipped out. I’m not going to make any excuses for why it did”

It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.

Mario isn’t a man. He’s a concept, a spirit disconnected from the flow of time in our universe, that re-appears at will, acting upon whatever circumstance he comes upon, before disassociating with our chronology entirely. He removes the cause from the effect.

the gig economy claims another, smh

My dad is super in to Osteen and all these other prosperity gospel, evangelical assholes. He’s also NOT a good guy.

When you feel like you are acting on the behalf of God, all your actions are validated. Including being a bastard.

My mother used to broker their insurance. Said they were not nice people. Actually, she said they were NOT nice people, emphasis hers.

Huh, I didn’t realize they used a completely new engine. Found my answer for no coop, guess it should have been obvious. It’s always easy to assume that it would have just been a quick add-in.

I... I don’t think that’s how game development works...

My dad is really good at getting cigarettes for an extensive period of time.