Using “Christ” the way you did in the context of Tebow is always good for a LOL from me...
Using “Christ” the way you did in the context of Tebow is always good for a LOL from me...
No, you don’t get it. They’re honoring your browser history.
To paraphrase George Orwell, Knicks fandom is a beaten man, lying facedown on a filthy, cement barroom floor, with someone stamping on the back of his head, interrupted only when the assailant reaches down, grabs the victim by the hair, and raises his head up ever so slightly before slamming it face first back into…
Much much closer. Reserve birds are raised in pens with netting to keep them from flying away and get a fair amount of human contact so they are less wary. Unless you have a highly trained pointer and are very experienced with how to approach the bird, you aren’t getting within 10 yards of most wild pheasants after…
If he was in fact on a game reserve, that bird was captive and pen raised until about a week ago. Dick Cheney used to pheasant “hunt” at a $1000+/day reserve near where I grew up where you practically need to kick the bird to get it to flush. Nothing like a wild bird.
No, the length of the shotgun was mentioned to make the point that from that range, he might just as well have reached the thing out and hit the friggin’ bird over the head with it.
Real hunters I know call this thrill killing, and find it morally reprehensible.
Stevie Wonder could have made that kill, for chrissakes
The amazing thing is that Harvey shut Zobrist down, and that guy’s Auschwitz hitter!
You guys are really in a führer over this.
What the fuck would Curt Schilling know about completed games?
Agreed. Athletes today are pampered. For example, back in the day when a gritty old-schooler like Dale Earnhardt slipped on a ring of concrete you didn’t hear him complain even once afterwards.
Jesus, Millenials today are so entitled! They expect wall to wall carpeting!
I bet if that concrete was stained in some interesting hexagonal pattern, you’d be more for it, wouldn’t you?
Back in my day, we used to bust our ass on concrete that was in unexpected places and it saved money for everyone. We liked it, God,…
this is too stupid for words. shouldn’t the NFLPA be all over them to deal with this? it’s like the NFL is run by people who don’t give a shit about player’s health.
No lightening rounds? Well, there goes Jindal’s last hope.
For when the One Sports Network comes
I’m not questioning myself, I’m choosing to no longer associate with a label that other people caused to become insufferably toxic.
only about 400 fans showed up