
Most photographed person in the world is my neighbor. You’ll be mine one day, you little minx you...

Second male blob:...but just fyi, I’m an NCAA athlete who will receive this service as compensation for my contributions to a multi-billion-dollar enterprise.

I don’t know about an official position, but I think most of us would agree that the point of interest here is probably that this is an example of the sort of thing that will inevitably happen when a self-interested cartel prevents the formation of normal economic relationships between employers and employees.

Can I still be surprised that she pimped out her own daughter for $100? Because I’m not a prostitute connoisseur, but that seems ... really low.

Well, did the players at least implement Rick Pitino’s patented 15-second offense?

Son of a coal miner from a city located in the middle of nowhere in Kazakhstan. English isn’t an easy one to learn either, certainly not likely to be taught at all where he’s from. But really his attempts to speak English and engage with the crowd and fans are part of his appeal and lore, things like calling his

I thought her Hollywood-feminine-archetype take down was totally on the money and hilarious. Actually, I thought the show was hilarious and laughed raucously through the entire thing.

The new Jonah Lomu. I have a hard time seeing them lose, but if Australia gets through, that should be an amazing match when they meet.

Those French jerseys were white when the game started.

Look up NC-215 between highway 64 and US-276 in the Blue Ridge Mountains (near Brevard, NC). Perfectly paved, not very well-traveled, magnificent view of the area at the top and I’ve never seen a cop in the many times I’ve driven it. Definitely one of my favorite roads in the country.

There’s going to be a lot of hurt feelings, but honestly this article could’ve been twice as long. Jay-Z at his best was a slightly above average rapper. I’m a huge Nas fan, but even Nas is pretty mediocre in comparison to pretty much every member of the Wu or Pharaoh Monch or Scarface, or Rakim or a bunch of other


Reporter (snickering): “So, uh, you think Myles will be drafted?”

Easy, just put it on the astros server.

Enjoy your practice squad cars and your practice squad beds and your practice squad apartments. After I’m done doing throws here I’m going to step inside the mouth of a whale and the whale will take me to my luxury condo out near the edge of the continental shelf where mermaids will be my bed. Do you get it? I am

It really has been a shed load of backs going down. The last 10 minutes looked like an episode of “Casualty”.

Yeah, although at this point I’m wondering if we’ll have any backs left by the time we play Australia

Former Flanker/8/Prop- totally incidental, no chance he was trying to knock him out, or even hurt him. That’s the last thing on your mind when that ball is free, get it clear and secure it if you can.

Why would you doubt that he was not trying to kick that ball? That close to the opposing try zone a kick can place the ball right where your teammates might be able to touch. Do you think this was malicious? These guys, and I know it’s hard to believe with the roughness of the sport, are not out to hurt one another,

Oh man, been there. One of the big rules you lean early in rugby: when you go to ground and the ball is anywhere near you, duck and cover. This is why.