What suit?
What suit?
“You’re not ‘old’ enough to get that call Cam. I’d give that call to an ‘old’ quarterback like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady or Andrew Luck or Ryan Tannehill or Nick Foles or Johnny Manziel, or Flacco, or Julian Edelman if they call his number for a passing play, but never to a ‘young’ guy like you or Michael Vick or…
Sounds like a scene out of “North Dallas Forty”.
Or Urban Meyer’s daughter.
It’s not a rumor: There were actually three of those Santa Clause movies.
Judging by Kiffin’s coaching career, he talked a big game to Saban’s daughter, got her back to his place, couldn’t figure out how to take his pants off, then left early claiming he had gotten a better offer from someone else.
Going to see the pope tomorrow in our nation’s Capitol. This is going to be one of the highlights of my life.
It takes a very special sort of douchebag to make Bryce Harper look like a decent human being.
“Wow. What a surprise.”
Michelin Star dining 101: Chef’s tasting menus are for hipsters, you know what you want and how you want it better than some tattooed culinary school hero.
What’s surprising to me is that a person with a screen name invoking a Philadelphia Phillies player would make such a mess of an argument about cultural sensitivity. That’s gotta be at odds with the local Philadelphia culture, no?
This take is completely fresh and has not already been thoroughly rebutted or debunked.
Hello Mudda
Fuck everyone else, I like what you’re doing here Albert.
True. If you’ve got the resources and job that can allow you to be insufferably twee, then good for you. We all go through phases. They’ll have had enough of it in a few years, and then will hold a really interesting rummage sale when they go on to their next obsession. Or have kids.
I don’t really watch the NFL anymore, though I do vaguely follow it. I don’t even play fantasy football anymore (kept losing interest mid season). Yet the Jamboroo? I still love it. Glad to see it back for another season.
When Robot House bests you in the regatta.
Chinese gangs have a long history of claiming the hatchet as their go-to weapin of choice. They were brutal, efficient, iconic and concealable weapons, as useful for smashing through a door or destroying a few tables to make a point as they were for hacking rival gangs apart in the tight city alleyways where the rough…
After being on the waiting list 20 years, my father-in-law got rid of his season tickets 2 years ago because of this type of shit. They call him every week to see if he changed his mind. They want to charge him the same price for shittier seats and the ludicrous license fee while offering nothing in return. I…
As a graduate of this fine(?) institution, I can contribute a few more fun facts about the (formerly Golden) Knights of UCF: