
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical corporate ceremony!

Even after all these years of employing Thomas, the Knicks PR dept still hasn’t figured out how to add “ Isiah” to their MS Office dictionary

Peter King:

Finest kind. As someone who has battled depression and anxiety (and will continue to do so the rest of my life), fuck this parrot with a hot poker up the ass.

I’m a big fan of this phenomenon of sports media personalities telling us what huge boxing enthusiasts they are, so that we understand the importance of their particular takes on a fight that every living human has an opinion about.

At least the dude didn’t shove his index finger up the guy’s asshole.

Every discussion about crab legs is just a reminder that it was among the least of his (alleged) crimes.

I mean, I guess it’s better than a photo of him celebrating his other crime.

Oh, so you think BaneKitty is your ally? But you merely adopted the BaneKitty. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the cat-loving interwebs until I was already a woman, by then to me it was only blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me.

Team No One

Write. Redskins number won dumb fans irregardless that sum of best school systems is in DC area (Montgumery County, Arlington, etc.). Yet Detroit, witch has no money, is more good? Oakland has black whole and they are smarter? Bengals fans eat poo chili and make less mistakes online? Know, I don’t think so. List is

I work asset protection and I find this funny. “I forgot” is something that I have heard countless number of times. He did not forget, he just did not want to pay like the rest of the people who attempt to shoplift.


Vin Scully says ten, Mets radio play-by-play man Howie Rose says nine.

Good point, Greg.

I know, write?!?!

I was very impressed with their packaging! And Truth is a great name for a beer. Consider me a (probable) Rhinegeist lover.

When it comes to Cincy, for me, it's all about Rhinegeist. Hope you get to try some of their offerings soon Will!

They don't call them hours up north, they're loonies.

Best ballpark around, even if the ushers have a very je ne sais Reich about them.