
My only real beef with the dress is it took attention away from the much more deserving runaway llamas.

The officers who captured them will receive total consciousness on their deathbeds.

I llaughed.

And also has never heard of Google.

I really don't understand why he walked away from basketball. He's 26, super-athletic, and played in the NBA, where walking with the basketball is perfectly acceptable.

Went to PSU for undergrad, got my first masters there. Got my professional degree elsewhere. There are some incredibly brilliant people at PSU at the leading edge of the intellect distribution, but the overwhelming majority are a bit, erm, lacking.

Penn State's students continue to embarass themselves, Deadspin posts articles to that effect often. All universities have student bodies that raise huge amounts of money for charities, found charities, solve the world's problems, etc. That's not an achievement, that's what the youth of the world is expected to do

How shameful. They should take a lesson from the NBA's Sixers, Lakers, Knicks and try their best.

BFFs who also F if that picture is any indication.

How dare Benicio Del Toro look like a 48 year old while he happens to be 48 years old.

For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing at "Endless, Horrible Regret."

Undercover Brother is a wonderful film.


I'm a boss and if a hard-working employee asks me about my kids I will give them an enthusiastic recount of the last hockey tournament... followed by me asking them about something in their outside life. If they are just sucking up, it will be a polite yet very short conversation which ends with me asking how a given

Why would a model stay with a douchebag morning show host who treats her like some kind of tramp? Right before they went on the air, Denny Clayton sent that surfer a surly text, "Don't you look at my girlfriend. She's the only one I got. Not much of a girlfriend. Never seem to get a lot." Just another day on Breakfast

Also, and I say this as a regular reader and appreciator of Hertz and Zirin, if you don't know that a big chunk of JRW's turf is made up of, uh, middle-class bungalows exactly as pictured in Hertz's piece, you haven't spent enough time on the south side of Chicago to have an opinion worth expressing about it.

I loved your Master's thesis you wrote at Penn St., "Mussolini: He Made the Trains Run on Time."

Walker, Ex's Anger.

Self-awareness is survived by his wife, Linda, and sons, William and Chet.