
We just found Rust Cole's burner.

There really is nothing like people who say "You can do x", who have never "done x" and will never "do x".

You know what? I think we should just let these guys have this moment. Look at how genuinely happy they are, grinnin' and making dopey football puns!

I just can't stop thinking about how stupid this is. He seems like a reasonable Dude and has explained why he doesn't like talking to the media. And yet here they are, thinking he owes them a damn thing. The truth is that the NFL has outgrown it's need for media. It's such a massive behemoth that games could be played

In the long history of bar fights no one has EVER started it, it's always the other guys who did it. They would NEVER "disrespect" the bar they are in. (If you say that to me, I immediately know I'll be throwing you out by the end of the night.

Your body is trying to tell you something; ignore it.

Shouldn't you go back to editing "Grantland", Mr. Simmons?

Yes. Ughs all around.

Never happened.
There hasn't been a stripper yet who would ever waste good drugs on a mark

COP #1: Sounds like Robert's got no Allen-by

Thought maybe this guy was a UNLV alum at first, but then considered that he knew how to both read and write; I retract my original assumption.

HEY THEY ARE KICKING FROM THE 35 YARD LINE INSTEAD OF THE 30! THAT'S 5 LESS YARDS THE BALL HAS TO TRAVEL BEFORE IT CAN BE RECO-What? That rule was changed? Wouldn't that mean kickoffs will mostly sail out of the endzone and transition right back into a 2 minute commercial break? It does but no one cares?

Look at Massah. So tough.

Madeleine's video was uploaded to, a website run by Adam Kokesh, an Iraq War veteran and libertarian activist.

Leave it to Charade to say Allenby is simply posturing.

He's obviously not fat. Anybody with two i's can see that.

I can't imagine how a 20-year-old who lost a brother 3 months ago and has been living 6000 miles away from his family is having a rough year.

I have it on good authority from a source that the reason he didn't fly to New England is because at the airport, every time the TSA agent tried to pat him down he fell down to the ground backwards.

Clearly, he's uncomfortable covering distances longer than a yard or two.