Same guy probably cuts the sleeves of Bill's hoodies.
Same guy probably cuts the sleeves of Bill's hoodies.
There's no way that he hasn't gone full laser on that thing.
Pubes? Gronk hangs around with porn skanks. He's probably got less pubic hair than most of the porn skanks he's plowing.
Pizza guy.
Hanson, 26, was taken to a local hospital for what Del Rio before practice termed "a gash of some sort."
If it's a marathon lunch meeting that has more scheduled time after the meal, do yourself a favor and eat something an hour or two BEFORE the meeting. Keep your energy constant so you don't crash after the food.
Can't read? Can't write? Kent State!
If you'd bothered to watch the Dark Knight Rises prequel, Inception, you'd know that the nuclear bomb was the kick that allowed Bruce Wayne to wake up from being Batman and return to Europe.
Damn, I'm baked right now, but even I know you can't smoke pot while selling your labor for pennies on the dollar.
I've actually spoken to Craggs on the phone a couple times (don't think he's ever responded to an email), and he comes across as a reasonable, compassionate person, which is so transparently false that it makes me hate him all the more.
As a Kentucky resident, I'll have you know that Hardin County borders Bullit County, home of the most racist fire chief in the Bluegrass State.
"Hardin County Sheriff John Ward said those who go into law enforcement typically do it because they have a desire to shoot minorities...
Dear Stan, I wrote you but you still ain't called/
Given what we've seen coming out of St. Louis in the last 5 months, I wouldn't be surprised if Kroenke pulls the trigger regardless of whether or not the city surrenders to his demands.
I sure hope he catches the Pink Panther.
Stop criminalizing a crime? Stop giving these teens consequences for their actions? I think that's the whole problem. Of course, the teen brain has not fully developed and for smaller offenses the sentence should not follow them into adult hood. But can you understand the weight the victim carries in this crime, the…
Whatever. Jon Jones is still the #1 kilo-for-kilo fighter in the world.
You can just use Hedberg's:
The opening narration tells us that after an economic downturn, crime was getting out of control, and adults were losing control over the younger generation. So they just decided to enact a law that would force kids to indiscriminately kill their friends.