
"The 6-76ers" has a nice ring to it


I am an audiologist and I've seen my fair share of impacted wax due to Q-tips and even a few injuries (i.e. bleeding canals, etc.). The best thing to do is to leave your ears alone. Most young people have moist wax that comes out pretty well on its own. Older people tend to have dryer wax that can be more problematic.

You can say what you like about the crust dodging heathens but leave strawberry milk the fuck out of it.

Christ, does he drink strawberry milk too?

I'm not a sexy guy. I went to a hooker. I dropped my pants, she dropped her price.

As has been pointed out, Raiola has been a dick the majority of his career.

"timcurtin" was taken?

He is a truly offensive linemen.

Dominic Raiola is the goddamned worst.

Winslow is the national leader in a new advanced sabermetric stat they created. "Tea-bagging."

I went to Brown, and honestly it's not that fun even before kick off.

"Well the famous part doesn't always do the trick"- Aldon Smith.

My sister-in-law is in AA. For all parties at my in-laws, there is no alcohol. And because there is no alcohol, my sister-in-law invites her other friends from AA. So my in-laws summer BBQ's typically involve 20-30 people I have never met before whose families didn't want them over for the 4th of July and they

Now you'll have to see if Brew Dog will send you bottles of Sink the Bismarck or Tactical Nuclear Penguin to round out your absurdly high ABV series.

The problem, according to Principal Schmidt, was that the paint they used was non-removable. "It was a truly regrettable decision that they used this paint. Once they went with the black, there was no going back."

Racism???? Name me just ONE other example of a black guy in Washington DC whose every move is vociferously criticized by mouth-breathing asshats who get all their information from sketchy radio shows.

A girl I went to school with married the Holderness Dad's cousin. Everything in this article is correct.

Dude looks like a broke Mackelmore