That's great to hear...comrade.
That's great to hear...comrade.
To be fair, when he works with the kids, he really puts their blood, sweat and tears into it.
From a Buckeye alum living in Raleigh, the dearth of fandom for UNC football is astounding. Duke fans tend to be all-sport fans, while UNC fans tend to be basketball fans. And the third-place finish for Ohio State in most Triangle zip codes is legit.
Not really. W was a terrible president, but I don't find any credence to the 9/11 truther nonsense.
What an unbelievable way to realize I have a spray chart fetish.
FC Santa Claus has been on the cusp of greatness for a while. With Daasher and Dänser holding the back line, Kkomet and Kkupid maintaining a physical presence in the midfield, and the legendary Rudolf up top, look for them to do big things in the third division.
Next up for FC Santa Claus, a midweek friendly vs Manchester United.
Tebow was well known for having viewers pray to God that he gets off the field
I'm sure all those NFL fans will be very supportive of Abdullah.
Fitzpatrick: I'm not a man of many words! I hate pleonasm, despise verbosity, and detest loquaciousness! I'm not going to practice circumlocution here, fellows, nor try to pass off some periphrasis as hortatory rhetoric! No! All the vainglory and speechifying—I'll leave that to others! What I want to say is LET'S GET…
As a Bears fan I expect to feel nothing but shame after the game.
I think this should happen to every guy who wears a visor.
This sort of thing needs to happen pretty much every time.
he stole the underrated So I Married an Axe Murderer with about a minute of screen time.
Making up serious threats against a woman with the objective of shutting down a site where some of its members objectify women... Surely someone along the line shouldve seen how such logic doesnt really compute.
Bernard and B.B as well. I guess Carole as well.
I think it wasn't a "mistake" by ESPN in that they were intentionally slanting the story. I think it is a mistake to take anything ESPN does seriously. The first word in their name is "entertainment" after all.
In order to make the case that Jeter was better than Jones, Beltre, Thome, and Rolen, you basically have to rely on non-statistical analysis. Defensively, he was average in his best years (if we're being generous) at a premium position, and epically bad in all the others. Offensively, he was an old-numbers player who…
Per @JayGlazer, refs say Colin Kaepernick dropped the N-word on the field last week. Kaepernick denying it, saying he found it there.
the world is a vampire