In this case, the rabbit is the media, and, prior to to this, the rabbit has been giving Roger Goodell a blowjob.
In this case, the rabbit is the media, and, prior to to this, the rabbit has been giving Roger Goodell a blowjob.
I wear a tuxedo when I fly, but only on flights after 6pm.
You've gotta read better grown up books! There are so many that have stayed with me for years and years. I won't be so presumptuous to just drop a bunch of recommendations on you. But if you want recommendations, I am totally your girl.
Being neither black nor white, this idea that white people have to be in the majority to feel comfortable has always struck me as ridiculous. I haven't been in the majority anywhere in America my entire life. Doesn't stop me from enjoying Hawks games, to the extent Hawks games can be enjoyed anyway.
I live in Atlanta, I'm a white guy, and I love basketball. I could give a flying fuck about the racial make-up of the crowd. I don't go to Hawks games because we're the most consistently average team in the history of sports. Why would I pay to watch another 45-win team destined for a first- or second-round playoff…
He's not dimwitted, Albert, he has a learning disability. We're talking about a kid for crissakes.
uh, Erin, sometimes they wear pink gloves for breast cancer awareness so who's the REAL lady-hater, huh.
I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?
How far can you kick a dead horse?
Better on your torso than inside it, I guess.
Poor kid. First her parents make her move to Florida, now this.
You stopped believing in Santa at like, 5, right?
Once upon a season dreary,
while I pondered a weak secondary
And dreams of many quaint and curious playoffs of forgotten lore
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came thunder clapping,
As of reporters fap fap fapping, fapping at Ray of yore
What murder? Sell some jerseys! Bilk the fans! Forget the gore!
I will dump some ice water over my head on FB to raise awareness for Pistols For Pandas immediately.
"Imagine Miami Vice, only..... Gaithersburg, MD? And dumb in every way."
I see some of your points, yet somehow, I feel like your argument falls a bit pants.
Something tells me Cowherd's saving his most vitriolic rant for the All Blacks.
If the Gators got rid of Urban Meyer, then I have dumped every single female I've ever dated.
Actual tigers are going extinct not because of human intervention, but because they're really sick of being associated with this team.