
I disagree, Matthews and Perry were putting pressure on Ryan, if Daniels plays he has a harder time. Defense doesn’t need to “stop” the Falcons, just slow them down. I also think King played very well and he’ll get better as the season goes on. What I don’t get is why everybody thinks that Atlanta is suddenly this

I think it’s just as likely that our key guys are healthy as it is not, so I disagree with you on that, Jordy will be fine, and Thompson signed FA this offseason.

She screwed up, but this is bad for boxing in general, and nobody should be crowing about that.

Yeah it’s crazy to think the Packers with a healthy offensive line and their best defensive player might be competitive with a Falcons team that struggles on the road.

First, no, Green Bay’s tackles don’t play defense, they play offense, and one way to keep your defense in better shape is with longer sustained offensive drives, which are difficult with back up tackles. So in short, I guess yeah I think the defense would look better if they played. Also, I think the defense looks a

I don’t agree that it was that significant, it’s early in the season and if Atlanta has proven anything its that it’s not over until it’s over.

I’m normally pretty down after a loss, but if you told me that the Packers we’re going to play this game without either tackle, Mike Daniels and a gimpy Nelson, I’d have assumed a way worse loss than what happened. If they get Atlanta at home in the playoffs with a healthier roster, I think they could win.

I was super proud when I finished this guy, just another reminder there’s always someone better haha.

I enjoyed Second Son well enough, but I wish they would’ve either had more connective tissue to the first two games, or just started over completely and been more of a reboot, because it felt like something in the middle that couldn’t quite deliver on what it wanted to.

Nah, he just tried pressuring them into not telling anyone they hired him.

I loved Radiata and would pay a lot for a remake

Ignoring, and disagreeing over the value of something are two entirely different things. I acknowledge that how the Cav’s performed when LeBron was on the bench and Kyrie wasn’t is a red flag, but I don’t think it’s the issue that a lot of people are making it out to be.

NBD, as for Brooklyn, while I agree they are bad, they have improved, they have a good coach and they have no reason to tank. There are several teams this year that could be just as bad, and actually have their picks. Examples include Atlanta, Indiana, Phoenix (By virtue of being in the West). The Knicks are also a

And I never said it point is simply that I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting that the pick was just just too much to add after the players, and I don’t agree that A. It was, because B. I think that pick could easily fall in the 5-10 range, in a draft a lot of people are saying might be top heavy (3 guys or

It does seem like we mostly agree, and I wasn’t saying that you suggested Boston got fleeced, its just a narrative that I’ve seen pop up a lot. I also am not convinced Boston has suddenly gotten to Clevelands level, though I do think they’ve closed the gap (bench depth matters less in the playoffs when rotations

Actually I have, and Crowder was average defensively last season and really wasn’t good in the playoffs. If he can bounce back then sure it’s not a bad pickup. Everyone keeps treating this pick like A. It’s guaranteed to fall in the top 5 (it isn’t) and B. That Cleveland is likely to pick a player that’s as good as

Sure it’ll give you a shot, and yeah for certain teams that’s what they need, Cleveland will be that kind of team after next year probably, so the pick has value to them. But it doesn’t have the same value to Boston, and a chance at a shot to maybe get a player that might be better than Kyrie is not the kings ransom

Kyrie would be 27 at that point, still a year younger than Thomas is now, and he also has the benefit of not being 5'7". And yeah, Kyrie is a bad defender, but Thomas is much worse based just on his stature alone.

Isaiah was the “better individual player” for one season, which for some reason many are treating like the norm, and not like a guy playing out of his goddamn mind.

I’m assuming when you say “no LeBron” you are referring to minutes he was on the bench/injured correct? Assuming that’s what you mean, I’m not ignoring it, I just think don’t put much stock into how Kyrie performed when bench guys are mixed in and there’s no offensive system installed that doesn’t revolve around