
Faro is one of the best villains in a video game ever, and you don’t interact with him a single time, it’s incredible.  The sheer narcissism he displays to the very end and how the game parcels that out to you is just amazing work.

Ray didn’t actually see the guy hogtied, it was what he assumed he would see in Archers hypothetical “gets murdered by his mistress” scenario.

You put some goddamn respect on Blitzball’s name.  IT WAS FUN!

Tidus, while at times annoying, is a much more important part to the story than Vaan though.  Tidus’s father is sin, he’s tied in with the summons dream world/Zanarkand, etc.

Ashe would be totally great too! Basch just checks a lot of my own personally small details that I love in a protag, but I totally agree that the game is better if it just follows Ashe as well.

I ride hard for the idea that XII would have been a bigger hit had they simply stuck with Basch as the protagonist. I don’t dislike Vaan, I just don’t think an FF game has ever had a “main character” feel so unnecessary to the story.

Not getting this to avoid supporting Rowling seems...I don’t know if pointless is the right word, but in that neighborhood.

It says PC and Switch in the second paragraph.

I didn’t have much trouble with the squats, but the pull ups took me the better part of an hour to beat pro. Ended up having to say out loud up, down, left, right (or whatever the order was) to keep track of what I should be pressing once the prompt disappeared. Helped keep me in a rhythm too.

Do you have small children? Obviously just my own situation, but my four year old loves that obnoxious dipshit.

Holt being completely nonplussed by Rosa and Amy’s reactions to his unabashed disgust of Wuntch was incredible.

There’s plenty of valid complaints about DLC, but I’d hardly call this overpriced. $25.00 for a new side campaign, new classes, aesthetic changes and additional dungeons is pretty good value IMO.

For clarification, when I talk about Sephiroth being there, I don’t mean in just the physical sense, but the reveal that anytime you’ve seen him prior to the Northern Crater, it wasn’t him, but portions of Jenova.

Specific things that I’m really into:

On the one hand I agree re: Sephiroth, but on the other, I think it could be a way for them to enhance the idea of Sephiroth/The Reunion being in Clouds subconscious.  Also it could make the moment when the real Sephiroth is revealed hit a bit harder.

There’s going to be a group of people just furious with the changes being made here, but I am in for all of it.  Love everything I’ve seen so far.

I hope it’s an improvement from Second, I loved the first game but for whatever reason the second just fell extremely flat for me.

I too loved the first game and had the second fall completely flat for me.

I don’t think the two are really comparable. I agree with regards to Joker, a film that truly felt like it was another thing all together that had the comic stuff pushed on it.  Watchmen on the other hand feels like a very natural follow up to the comic, and not a story that needed to be crammed into an existing IP.