
The last time I read any of these it was 2016! I’ve got two stories: one eerie, one nice.

Adding this diagram in to help people understand the differences between gender, biological sex, and (sexual) attraction.

Non-binary people fall under the trans category. Not every trans person transitions to woman or man. Some find it fits their identity to be “between” or “neither” and the definition of what that means is entirely up to them. Some people are genderfluid, meaning the way they express their gender changes regularly. Some

There are more than 2 possible human sexes. XX and XY are just the most common.

It’s honestly so lovely and beautiful that your university had/has those protocols. I don’t have significant indigenous lineage (in The Americas, anyway) but am pretty passionate about ethics and decolonisation in the social sciences and I think that regardless of how “silly” such protocol might seem to secular folk,

See, it’s this idea that you’re pushing that rape has to follow some script that’s just as much of an issue as rape itself.

Spooked is now its own podcast! It has a few of the stories from previous years, but many new ones too. The episodes aren’t super long but they’re releasing them twice a week until Halloween!

Years ago someone told me about the Anything Ghost podcast, which I listen to a lot now. It’s a bit cheesy in some bits (the music, mainly) and the host has a strange reedy voice, but the stories are a mix of detailed and chilling, while others are light and creepy. The host does all the work, and the quality is okay

Mine too! I actually started dancing and sang “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!” before I opened the link. I’ve been waiting for this for so long!!

I know I abandoned this thread a while ago, but I just saw this and wanted to pop in to reiterate that having female organs or even typical female sexual characteristics does not necessarily mean you are a woman since gender is different from biological sex. Most people who are born female are women but some are not,

Since the camera kept centering on Ed Sheeran and cutting between Arya and the soldiers, I 100% thought she was going to kill him and I was here for it. But then it became a moment to humanise Arya after she killed all the Freys, which honestly is as unnecessary to me as Ramsey raping Sansa to further dehumanise his

What the fuck is this?

Intersex people are also a biological sexual category, and if you include them there at least 6 different ways sex chromosomes can be arranged and thus arguably more than 2 sexes. Some females (since we’re being “biological”) can’t have children and some can.

She did go to a HBCU as a white student and proceeded to sue that HBCU for discriminating against her because she’s white.

I feel like Thane was pretty great in ME2 (also my first game), but “on the long term” it fell flat, since he is mostly stuck in the hospital for most of ME3 and then dead. My Shepherd also died alone (which is something I didn’t want) just because the only other choice you get is hurt-feelings Kaidan. I feel like,

I romanced Thane and I ended up regretting it. It sucks to see him die later, and other than that, he can be a bit meh? Like he’s broody and dying and has trauma in his past that makes him ~mysterious~ but other than that, idk what the allure could be?

He just looks like the most vague man ever created.

I’ve submitted stories from my childhood in the past scary story posts, but this year I experienced a few “weird” occurrences that I’m still trying to figure out. Neither of them scared me at the time...

I’m feeling strangely sad because I thought I was looking at someone’s hilarious and weird oiled up legs, then when I focused on the thighs it went to paint on dull skin. Now I actually have to exert effort to see the oily legs, and even then, it’s only briefly. We had so little time together :’(

Well, most people are really understanding if you refuse a hug because you’re feeling sick since you’re framing it as a protection of them instead of a rejection of them. You can always use that excuse unless it’s people you see all the time. Other than that, sometimes putting other huggers in front of you gives you