
Um, the moment you said he took you to his spot by way of where his fiancee died, I channeled Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost and shouted, “you in danger girl!”

Edinburgh is one of my favourite places on Earth but damn does it have a horrible history, especially in regards to the plague. I heard there were parts of the underground city that plague victims were sent to quarantine them. There are even stories that plague quarters were literally closed off so the infected

Wouldn’t the wig have been snatched off? This was connected to her scalp since you actually see her being pulled back. Beyonce is pretty vocal about her weave, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear a wig outside of acting.

Let’s please remember that the villain here is depression (and other severe mood disorders), not the person who suffers from it, nor the people they leave behind. A mood disorder is an illness, and it is an illness that can lead to death by suicide, just as many other illnesses can lead to death. We can blame

I think it’s also the stigma we attach to suicide and suicidal thoughts. Even if you have never been affected by it, the stigmatization can attach all sort of value judgments to something that is very difficult to understand. And those judgments often stop you from ever having the chance to understand...

Okay, this is long, but I hope you read it anyway...

Psychology graduate here to say:

the power of punctuation

Aw, thank you! I try to remind myself I’m decent every now and then, even when I don’t feel like it, so it’s nice to hear someone else say it :)

She is, but I’m pretty sure it’s with her husband’s baby...

I hope they split in a mature and healthy way mainly for their kids, who seem really awesome despite having to have dealt with high profile lives. I cared about their marriage because of their children (and well, because they had a life/relationship I thought was pretty ballin’), but I think they’ll probably split in


I’m not married, but if I was, I’d end it for Colin Farrell, so I understand

I firmly believe that the Jolie-Pitt children will definitely be running the world in their adulthood, so part of me is like “Yeah! This is important news!” and the other part of me feels weird and embarrassed and thinks I should back off with my close examination of a family and marriage disintegrating.

I totally get you with feeling like there are elements of your life you feel like you cannot talk about with others. I’ve been in that place many times (and honestly, might be in it a little bit now), but I’m glad you got a support network and seem better.

Admittedly, my last serious relationship lasted way longer than it should have because of a lease and my unwillingness to live with an ex. I also genuinely don’t believe in “happily ever after” or “being together forever”, and I’ve dated people knowing our relationship wasn’t going to last because of incompatibility

it’s the most important meal of the day!

I can’t appreciate this picture because it makes me think about how damaged his character is in The Leftovers and that just makes me want to cry

thank you for all the level-headed, realistic answers you’ve given me

I’ve always thought them to be the kind of people who consider the “tough stuff” private (like their emotional affair, their kids’ issues, etc) because they usually seem touchy if not outright tight-lipped about that in interviews, so idk if I can imagine them breaking their divorce to their children in public?