
That’s exactly why Alison is a moron. Of all the people to choose to make snide, unfunny and unoriginal comments about, how fucking stupid would you have to be to go for the ones that are currently very popular? You are literally explaining her idiocy to us while weirdly trying to say it’s not that bad or claim it

I was with you until the whole her husband is a dork, it’s not about race or sex shit. Why do white people always want to tell you it is not about race without checking their internalized racism? I was not born in this country and yet I am always checking how casually racism is imbued into every part of our lives.

Quote from article before edited: “For the low, low price of $19.99, please to by my cutting board.”

Considering the interviewer named dropped goop and Alison was smart enough to not come for goop but reached for Marie and Chrissy so easily is problematic. Millennials (who are almost 40 btw) know goop, rachel ray, giada etc. Marie Kondo is not in the cooking sphere so why bring her up? She made fun of Marie’s accent

Unfortunately, I know some people who have worked for and interacted with Alison and reported that she is... not a nice person. In fact, she was sort of egregiously careless with other people’s feelings. Not the way they put it, they used more profanity. I was super disappointed to hear this at the time, but at this

Alison Roman is extremely popular with a certain type of late 20s/early 30s girl who came of age during the low-cal craze of the late 90s/2000s and then the overly complex pinterest recipe era of the early 2010s. For these women her recipes are a revelation - food can be simple, indulgent and fun? Who knew?! But for

That was a very touching video honestly

I believe most state archaeologists do this as well. In Michigan (doxx) we have an area in the locked collection with sage and other offerings from native groups who visit the remains (where they haven’t been identified as a specific tribe’s ancestor).

Hurrrrr so unlogical! Pastor Joe John said my penis makes me a good boy! Penis = good BOY. I know this because I’m a fair logical objective internet doctor. What’s next, women wearing PANTS like MEN?! So nonrealistic.

THE FUCK???? Who the fuck are you to speak for everyone? So if you don’t report your rape, you’re not worthy of empathy and support? What the fuck is your malfunction? Please crawl back into the hole from which you gone.

As we all know, a woman reporting a rape to police (especially a black woman) always has that report treated with respect and empathy. The police always conduct a full, competent and thorough investigation which finds the rapist, who is duly convicted and given an appropriate prison sentence. Rape kits are always

Hey, go fuck yourself ok?

Because this university/museum are on unceded First Nations land, there is an important protocol for dealing with human remains that is connected to the beliefs of the group who historically inhabited that area

The podcast “Snap Judgment”, hosted by Glynn Washington —which is awesome the rest of the year as well—has an annual special called “The Spooked Podcast” with true scary stories. I’ve binged on past years in the archive and can’t wait for this year’s!

Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.

YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

you’re really bending over backwards for some excuses.

This is so fucking flawed it’s ridiculous. Nazis aren’t asking people to respect their ideas, just their fundamental right to have and speak them. When you try to deny that you appear authoritarian. Others have mentioned this, but Nazis did not rise to power simply because they were allowed to have and speak ideas. To