
Exactly. She believes she is living on borrowed time already. That her only worth is as a cure. Yet she loves life more than anybody else in this world: she picked a toy for Sam, likes the bad puns, plays darts and is blown away by giraffes. Yet Joel has shown her that she is worth more than the world to him. She has

Agreed. Thanks for a very honest answer. I subscribe to the idea he lied to protect her from survivor's guilt (we agree it is rather ineffective). Yet I think a lot of people are underestimating Ellie's strength even though you play as her for this final segment:

I have theory on Marlene:

I have a pet theory on Marlene:

You just broke my heart.

Totilo... SERIOUS respect for Doom Patrol endorsement!

I cannot understand how the word "innocent" applies to Marlene.

Unbreakable is a pretty good film. He has that one, The Sixth Sense, and, if you are feeling lenient, Signs. The rest are garbage. Though The Village had maybe three scenes that might be good...

Yes. Well, either that or Mudbox. I am fairly certain Naughty Dog uses Z-Brush in their Uncharted pipeline.

In X-COM the AI is a bit simple too. Not stupid, just simple. However, the enemies are deadly and the stakes are high (dead soldiers are dead permanently), so it forces you to be smart to beat it. It takes calm and precision and sometimes, very rarely, the bravery to just attempt something that one would normally

Try Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together or, if you do not mind a simpler ai, but with clever, difficult and intense scenarios and difficulty, X-COM: Enemy Unknown.

I have no way to recommend this comment enough. It is frustrating.

They become blind, which helps. However, I think the way the fungal growth split the head open in the middle creates a "sounding board" of mushroom caps that amplifies an already possible human talent.

Funnily enough, I had a brick when I was on top of the truck after you get away from the last bunch of infected (the one with the two Bloaters). So I turned around to throw the brick in the face of the only bloater I could see as a last hearty "Fuck you!". I somehow knew these were the last infected I would see. As I

Actually I suspect Marlene was counting on how good a killer Joel is. See, she is conflicted about what she's about to do, but argues for the surgery in no uncertain terms.

Actually I suspect Marlene was counting on how good a killer Joel is. See, she is conflicted about what she's about to do, but argues for the surgery in no uncertain terms.

Actually I suspect Marlene was counting on how good a killer Joel is. See, she is conflicted about what she's about to do, but argues for the surgery in no uncertain terms.

Thank you! I am amazed no one else is mentioning this! The guy reminds me of Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Masterfully done. Civil and detailed but not overwhelming. Bravo.