
Literally, “Hackear este programa de televisión no tuvo chiste.” does translate to “Hacking this television program had no joke”. This is not equivalent to the English expression “was no joke”, which implies there was considerable difficulty. “No tuvo chiste” figuratively means “There was no trick to it, it was

I believe the appropriate term for a group of scientist displaying flocking behaviour is “symposium”. A symposium of scientists.

I might date myself here but... Sanitarium. That game was creepy in two ways: in the clicherrific "we are trying to creep you out so hard you guys" way that you expect from such a game and a more insidious, understated, subtle sense that everything in the world was somehow "off", even beneath that carnivalesque

Thank you for all your hard work, from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for these details! I had little knowledge of the case and it seemed a bit strange to me. That makes a LOT more sense.

Here is a man of taste.

Why Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance should be game of the year: The one thing Revengeance does head and shoulders above every other nominee is constantly blast your senses with the spectacle of all things awesome, rad and cool! The "Did I just do that?! On my first try?! That's BADASS!!!" moments are delivered often

Not to be pedantic, but I think you misused the phrase "pales in comparison". When saying "A pales in comparison to B" it's meant that B is much better than A, since A is less vibrant it looks pale (or "pales") when directly compared to B.


I'm going to give you a single word. Please tell me if it means anything to you:

I like it and consider it he best strip here, with only PA and Brawl as peers.

With you on the Microprose name. Whenever I saw that name on the box it was like a seal of quality. God, I miss them.

Not widely agreed, no. Most sites and individual praise it. I'm a fan myself.

She had a mutated, symbiotic strain of the virus, not inherent immunity. That means everyone she bit would become infected with her symbiotic strain. The Fireflies knew this, but they did not want to infect-inoculate their people by Ellie-bite, they wanted a vaccine, something to dangle over the masses to sway their

It also had plane models and ground assets that would take hours instead of days to model and handpainted textures instead of sculpted normals and multi-texture shaders. Those nifty realistic graphics cost money in man-hours.

They mean real-money fuel-pool to be able to go on missions, not in-mission fuel. It replenishes when you don't play, but it's also purchasable. Basically the wait-or-pay-to-play model.

Warning: The following may sound tinfoil-hat worthy, but hear me out.

They will never be fixed for me.