The T stands for "to" but if you look at the letters chronologically in regards to a timeline and always think of the T as short for transformed into you'll never be confused.
The T stands for "to" but if you look at the letters chronologically in regards to a timeline and always think of the T as short for transformed into you'll never be confused.
And human beings don't generally have wet, slimy skin like a salamander either.
I love how it's simultaneously kinda off key yet she knows all the notes. The timing is perfect yet the pronunciation is terrible. It's so cute and hilarious.
I'm just going to leave this here...
Apart from O2L, literally none of these guys are teens. They're all 20 something bloggers who have been around for a quite a while, you just haven't heard of them. Ryan Higa is part of a collective/film production company of Asian American YouTube bloggers and filmmakers called YOMYOMF and includes director Justin Lin…
Just go to xvideos and type in gay DP. will know....
Smooch that dog, Robin! Can you not see in his eyes that he is begging for you to smooch him!? Look at his eyebrows.
It's the same woman in both spreads. Again I don't think she looks bad paired with the other dude. It just looks like a real couple off the street to me XD
Honestly, in the last photo, they look like a pretty well-matched Brooklyn couple.
Agreed! Now this baby is fuckin' singing.
I really like this version done by Abi Alton.
Unfixable typo at this point.
Of course. I mean, what else are you going to do to kill time when there's no TV!?
I said this for years! The thought that we killed the all or they all died out because we were the superior race was ridiculous. We just humped them until they were absorbed.
Awesome article. One small quibble.
Agreed. Insensitive or ignorant cultural appropriation of wardrobe doesn't equal racism. Racism is systematic degradation and discrimination against a group based solely on their background/appearance and your belief that they're inferior because of it.
Cute guys, nice workouts, but holy fuck are most of those tattoos horrible. I'm not opposed to tattoos. Just horrible tattoos.
Please, those already exist.
Crate train. You will be doing yourself a big favor. Also, if you're very industrious, you can litter box train your chi (newspaper in the box). I did it with my chi and have never looked back. They're wonderful little dogs and can be really social and affectionate if reared properly. Get Chihuahua's for Dummies)or…