How could you not credit him with his masterpiece, Lazy Harp Seal?
How could you not credit him with his masterpiece, Lazy Harp Seal?
Wait, why are we supposed to be hating Ben Foster? Somebody clue me in. He's a childhood fave.
When family members are raised together, something called the Westermarck effect takes place. A type of imprinting that tells you "hey, this person is related and off limits." It even happens among adopted siblings and non-biologically related offspring and parents. When the Westermarck effect doesn't have a chance to…
Not as good as the hot gay rimming scene on HBO's Looking nor as shocking as the hot gay rimming scene on ABC's How to Get Away with Rimming on Network TV— I mean Murder.
I think these regulations are definitely racist and ethnically insensitive. Having said that, if women had to adhere to male hair standards for the military, things would be more egalitarian and this problem might be partially solved. Shaved off for everyone in basic training and short for everyone thenceforth. Women…
Her Bruno Mars was jaw-dropping.
And I agree with you! No one should ever feel societal pressure to force themselves into a sex life to make others happy. That goes for any orientation or level of libido. However, if she is asexual and her partner isn't really aware of the situation and isn't similarly inclined, they're gonna have a bad time :(
The one and only time I visited Chicago, a man shot up in the seat in front of me, on the L, and was immediately arrested by undercover cops.
Fun fact, her armpits were hairy in the original take, but the screening reaction to it was too grossed out, so they reshot it with her armpit shaved. However early in the film, there's a bedroom scene where you can see her hairy armpits on display. They're not even very hairy.
Women! Know your limits!
I see she takes a page out of the Lisa Lampanelli dating handbook.
Pretty eyes!
That cat is clearly made of cookie dough.
I want that fucking cat. I want to smooch it and bite around its fat neck rolls, then I want to wash out the flavor with diet coke frost.
Like Dustin Lance Black and Tom Daley. However it's hard to find people at the best of times and I figure the same sex celebrity dating pool is fairly small.
I doubt they are. But holy fucking shit that would be hot if they were...
For me, this is kind of the difference between regular TV actor attractive (forgettable and non threatening) and film actor looks (striking or ugly-beautiful).