
While most male birds have no external genitalia, male waterfowl (Anatidae) have a phallus.

I'm not judging. I'm jealous.

Now playing

You're really missing out if you don't have the epic soundtrack.

If I didn't already love him because he had his name legally changed to Ochocinco, this about clinched it.

That kitten is adorable, but looks slightly frucked up. Motor skills

It's also harder to cum when you're drunk.

"I felt this sick, overwhelming feeling of negativity over the whole car and we smelled sulfur..."

Well according to British tabloids, they're pretty promiscuous. At least a couple of them are, but I think they still get their lovin' for free. I suspect Beebs would enjoy paying for sex so he can invest zero energy in acting like he gives a fuck about someone else's feelings.

REFERENCE NOT NEEDED! Child is clearly the burninator.

But are they being hipsters about it? My sense is fancy working class baby names are not done ironically.

Or she'll turn into a manic pixie dream girl...

You get extra hipster points because I'm pretty sure this kid's name is a reference to The Clash.


I know a child named Hammer. I win.

Cool setups, but /r/shittyHDR anyone?

That actress was in the first season of AHS as well and she's great. I don't know what Ryan Murphy's family or personal history is, but he's included a lot of characters and actors with Down's in several of his shows, including multiple characters on Glee. So it's obviously personally important to him.

Cute as fuck but you should never, ever try to engage a wild animal in play. They have no qualms biting off a finger and you never know if their behavior is aberrant due to disease. Leave nature to the naturalists and people trained in dealing with wildlife.

Yeah, I feel incredibly conflicted by her for many reasons but this response was perfect.

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This use of nudity totally worked for me.

That pause before "Shotgun" killed me.