
Yes, I saw one once in grade school out on the playground during recess. Looked straight up. Opaque, full circle with the sun in the center. Blew my mind!!! Not a drop of rain in the sky. I've heard ice crystals in the air can cause this, but never met another person who claims to have seen it.

Well that's good to hear. Keep eating and smiling! :)

What changed in your chemistry that made it possible to go from medicated and depressed to not only "not miserable" but happy? Was it situational or did you go on a health kick (change diet, lifestyle)?

Yeah, I'm fairly counting on it! haha

We have yet to find or prove evidence of any other kind.

But I want you to see the big picture here. Further attention and R&D funding can only lead to one inevitable conclusion: The ability to safely and humanely launch into space— forever.

FUN! This is my favorite terrible piece of shit show from last year. I don't think I've ever hated a pilot so much as this one. And I was totally addicted by the end. It's like eating disgusting black licorice over and over again until I loved it!

I'm actually really proud of NASA's new revamped and media savvy image. I know they've gotten some flack for "selling out" and pandering to pop culture and social media sites but I'm so happy people are starting to pay attention to them and the important work they do again. Seeing updates about NASA and Curiosity on

I like this theory. I will choose to believe it.

Uhh, I don't want to freak you guys out, but I think Saturn's Rings are being covered by giant letters floating in space spelling out the words "Disappearing Act."


Oooh, that might be better. But after Lost and Once Upon a Time, I'm wary of ABC doing any more prequel/flashback shows as they lead to crazy plotting and copious retconning. If this gets made, I WILL BE WATCHING THOUGH.

Yes, that's the one. A lot of people were also really surprised by the inclusion of the pregnant woman being given the news that her baby would have some sort of deformity, and you just hear her say, "this is a shock." I really like how that was all handled though.

But the best cast member is dead!

I had a look at some of this. Yum damn it! The desserts especially. I'm a real sucker for scones and cakes.

I still maintain her only mistake was, she forgot to add the kitten.

Examples, examples!

Yeah, without all the "hair-insanity."

Haha. LOTR has a fair amount as well. Though for me the worst (meaning best) food porn ever is The Wind and Willows (lots of overstuffed picnic hamper descriptions.)

Wow, that really is YA speed.