This one was my favorite:
This one was my favorite:
Thanks for the review Charlie. Can you give us a sense of the "density level" of this novel. I love Le Guin and R.R. Martin, but find the latter much denser and more slow going as a reading experience. When you say it's "a pager turner" are we talking verging on YA readability or does it have the historical "homework"…
I'm also hoping they plan on restoring the tower. That'd be boss.
I have seen an unrelated study, though can't recall where, that showed that religions with no food restrictions tend to have more obesity and that having any sort of food restriction, be it fasting or certain foods that were off limits entirely tended to go some way towards weight control. Hindus, Muslims, Catholics…
Haha, I'm pretty sure no one thinks this is really from kids show. Although, ironically, the original name of Wonder Showzen is actually "Kids Show." Which is why it's the main lyric in the theme song. Can you tell it's my favorite show of all time!?
I've been reading up a lot about longevity in humans and animals recently and fascinated by calorie restriction studies in mice and increasingly in humans on the CRonies diet. Recently the BBC had a very interesting episode of Horizon on the subject.
No shout out for my main man Edward Gorey?
I shall maketh my response known through the medium of children's show clips.
They're doing another film together and I'm actually fairly intrigued by that idea. Their mutual coldness compliments each other well.
I think this is a minor work for Cronenberg and definitely not in keeping with the high caliber of films he's been putting out recently. Having said that, I think he gets, by far, the best performance out of Pattison I've seen to date— they're weirdly well suited to each other. Also, for the entirely memorable rectal…
God I love Mark Twain. I'm always struck when reading his writing how funny and current he still is. I think he would have done well in the internet age.
Check out my new age adult contemporary album, Quantum Graphity, coming soon.
You forgot to ask for my bank details.
Yeah, we are the misfits. Our songs are better. We are the misfits and WE'RE GONNA GET HER!
Well, as you can clearly see, the interior of Mars is one giant Cadbury's Creme Egg. Can we really be blamed?
What do you make of this Mr. Lynch?
That explains it. Summer for me is like January to September.
Where does Cabin in the Woods fall in all of this?