
My first exposure to Ellison the writer was “I Have No Mouth...” in a ‘Worlds of If’ anthology. I hadn’t read anything quite like that before, and the ending gutted me. So yeah, I have a bookshelf of the man.

Airwolf > Knight Rider > Street Hawk > The Highwayman >All subsequent versions of Knight Rider > Viper > Thunder in Paradise

Ugh there’s this self-help book I was reading and it intentionally kept jumping back and forth between male and female pronouns - multiple times even within one page - because it could be applied to anybody... WOW is this annoying. Why couldn’t they just consistently use the word “they” or “them” rather than creating

I think we should all evaluate others based on their interactions in elementary school. It is the only real assessment of someone’s character.

Brain of Morbius is my all-time favorite episode. So weird and wonderful.

I had forgtten about Brain of Morbius. Should be added especially since the Sisterhood of Karn has recently be back on the show. And watch it with those spoilers. I mean the show is over 40 years old, but I don’t think newbies are going to want to know that ████ ████ is a fake, much less a Dalek.

The Monarch is great, but I missed Dr. Orpheus. An Order of the Triad-heavy season would be a lovely gift.

Failsafe reboot for frying the power controller? Lemme guess, you approve engineering budgets for a living .. :(

I have a dozen of them in my car, have to stop every 50km or so to drain the gas tank before it overflows

I got to work with one of the writers from the series for a day, well about 6 hours. I think he was the longest single writer for the show, but I could be wrong. When I said, “Wow, I am impressed.” His paraphrase response was, “I don’t get why people would think what I wrote was interesting.” He was helping record

Because you (the driver) can’t see them. Hood ornaments trace their history back to the Boyce MotoMeter, which was an early way to measure water temperature. Many companies simply added extra ornamentation around it (Packard pictured below), either as standard, or as aftermarket add-ons. When the MotoMeter became

It’s sold out everywhere but can be backordered from the Lego website at the original price.

It’s sold out everywhere but can be backordered from the Lego website at the original price.

Thank you!

Thank you!

“especially for working moms.” 

The female equivalent of “goatee” appears to be “showing belly”. Which in my case will be VERY evil.

My eldest wants one. So much so, we have thought about printing one.

My wife and I were talking about the same thing earlier this week. I desperately want one. It’s one of my favorite gags from the show and if they ever go on sale I will BUY SO MANY.

Why isn’t there an affordable mass market Kuchi Kopi toy/nightlight?


Two dollars a shot today was about 50 cents back in the 1970s. The original SX-70 film was about 70 cents a shot, so the pricing is similar. This camera, though, was a lot cheaper than an SX-7o or One Shot. This camera costs $100 which would have been maybe $25 back then. An SX-70 cost $180. We are wonderfully