
Believe in it. Language defines reality and preception

There were two particular women that were terrible to me in high-school. One day I turned on the tv and saw one of them on the episode, “I like sleeping with you mom better” or something like that. I sat through episode and thought the show was a joke, but it turned out that it was all very true. If I remember

What they don’t know is that with every purchase and every use that they are part of the ground level chemtrail conspiracy.

Their narrative is their own! One need not address a non sequitur, and they gain power by not addressing it. There is nothing that they can say to any individual who believes that the government is both incompetent yet is also able to orchestrate a grand conspiracy with precise and accurate execution that will change

In many cities, free or donation cost meditation classes likely exist.

For those without a dishwasher I have found that if I put the ring in when I descale the instant pot with water and vinegar it works just fine, even if one has to push the ring down into the water and bent out of shape some while boiling in the Instant Pot.

Last night the stars peaked through the smoke and then disappeared. The angry orange smile staring at me was just the moon. Tonight will be the same as the fires continue. That said, at a distance the fires look like embers in a fireplace, increasing in brightness with the slightest breeze. At night the fire seems

Thank you.

Thank you.

Amazon is now listing it at $70.

Amazon is now listing it at $70.

I had a friend that got 3 DUIs back-to-back. In the first one, they parked in the lot of the only 24hr coffee house in town, across the street from a bar. When the bar closed they got in the car after saying high to all the night owls, they didn’t even backout of the slot. Key in, car started, and there was a tap at

My eldest wants one. So much so, we have thought about printing one.

Why isn’t there an affordable mass market Kuchi Kopi toy/nightlight?

Bodegas, at least in my city, are a necessity and all have some specialty. The closest one sells fresh Mexican bread and has an illegal gambling machine. A few blocks away there is one that has a lot of Indian foods, including frozen prata, nan, and those fantastic bags of spicy snacks. Near a friends house the

Kids. In addition to food and attention, they gobble up time; they are totally worth it!

I hear the theme music as Godzilla slowly hits the ground. And yet, because media can be replayed, re-experienced, remembered, reinterpreted, and redone I know that Godzilla will rise again, and in so will Haruo Nakajima’s interpretation and performances live on, not just as they were shot, but also as thunderous

I am a walker and don’t bore easily. I always have my thoughts and often walking is also meditation. That all said, I offer another way to get motivated to walk. Make it an experience.

Also, love your screen name.

She is, all the women on both sides of our family are. Her mother, my near deaf machete carrying grandmother, is close to 100 and picks up rattle snakes and moves them to the side of trail on her morning walks. My kids have good family role models. All of the women and men in the family aren’t perfect, but many are

“She’s a weird sort of LA landmark that moves.” - IAmNotANumber7